Diabetes and confined spaces

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Has any one noticed that they have more of a problem with confined spaces after diagnosis than they did before?

Might just be me, I was never fond of confined spaces anyway.
yes caroline big time i can no longer go into a lift i avoid like the plague, if i go in i have to talk constantly to drown out all the little noises they make .
Ive never been that keen on confined spaces , like lifts and things , I hate the thought of being trapped 😱😱
I'm scared of most things but not sure it's to do with diabetes :D
I can't stand being under ground. It took one hell of alot for me to go down a slate mine when I was in Wales last week. I wouldn't know if it has anything to do with diabetes though. I doubt it.
If I can't stand up or put my hands out in front of me, I get freaked out to buggery. I hate hate HATE the underground, which is why I'm so glad I don't live in London. Whenever I've had to go on the underground when I've been in London for auditions, etc, I've had to have my housemate cheer me on before I get on, and call me as soon as i get off....yeah, I'm a nutbag 🙄
I must say Nathan is a bit funny in confined spaces and panics quiet a bit if he can't move about freely..he also has a fear of escalators...

Not keen on lifts when I'm riding on top of then in the lift shaft and it stops suddenly and you nearly stack it!! Or being shut down a man hole for "a laugh" but I don't think for me these are diabetically related.:D
It's not nice being shut in, but it is nice to know there is someone who understands, thanks everyone.
I don't mind the tube, obviously it's better when not busy but it's the heat rather than being confined that bothers me. I don't really mind lifts either.
I did have a panic attack down in some caves in wales when I was in 6th form. I think that was because we had to crawl on our stomachs through a really small tunnel, and there were memorials and benchs outside for people that had died in the caves, didn't fill me with much confidence seeing that.
Of all the silly places to have a panic attack, I had one in Hampton Court Maze when I couldn't find my way out. It was horrible because it felt like the hedges wer going to cave in on me and all the people were crowding round to deliberately stop me moving. Once I got out I was fine and realsied it was a panic attack.
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