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Diabetes and colds - advice?


Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I think I'm going down with a cold :( Normally, this wouldn't worry me in the slightest, but this will be the first illness I've experienced since being diagnosed. Anyone have any experiences to share, advice and tips?
hi..make sure u monitor ur blood sugars carefully as from my experience they tend to rise a bit when im not well.have never taken any cold remedies as such just paracetamol to keep my temp down when needed and steamed myself with vick.hope u feel better soon.:)
diabetes and colds

hi i agree with other poster to keep in check with your blood sugars but also be aware that u will maybe feel worse than you would normally and find that it takes twice as long to clear up as i have found when i have a cold.
You will probably find that you get higher by readings if you're ill/getting ill so you may have to take corrective doses, just make sure you note when you've taken them so you don't 'cross over' and take too much. Also, if you are running a little high check for ketones fairly regularly.
You will probably find that you get higher by readings if you're ill/getting ill so you may have to take corrective doses, just make sure you note when you've taken them so you don't 'cross over' and take too much. Also, if you are running a little high check for ketones fairly regularly.

Thanks guys - I'd forgotten the thing about ketones, will have to try and hunt out the sticks I was given!

Hey aymes - aren't you running your half-marathon this weekend? If so, good luck, I hope it all goes well and that you enjoy it!:)
Thanks guys - I'd forgotten the thing about ketones, will have to try and hunt out the sticks I was given!

Hey aymes - aren't you running your half-marathon this weekend? If so, good luck, I hope it all goes well and that you enjoy it!:)

thanks! Luckily it's next weekend- we've got lots of snow here, whilst I love the snow I don't really fancy running in it, so fingers crossed for a cool but dry weekend next weekend. Really looking forward to it though, after months of training I want to just get out there!
Hi All

Having only recently been diagnosed T2, does the above still apply to me if I was to get a cold. I havent had any other illness since been diagnosed. And would it be advisable to get a flu tab.
Hi All

Having only recently been diagnosed T2, does the above still apply to me if I was to get a cold. I havent had any other illness since been diagnosed. And would it be advisable to get a flu tab.

I can't say I know a great deal about type 2 so I'm sure someone else could advise better but I'd have thought in principle it's the same, particularly if you're on insuin.

But on the flu jab question definately get one, you should get it free as a diabetic and you never know how much you need one until it's too late! I know some people say they feel ill after the flu jab but personally I've not had any issues, several of my housemates are ill at the moment and so far I'm ok so hopefully it's done the trick!
ive never had any probs with flu jab either..was also offered pneumonia jab and took that too.
Sure. Have your flu jab and also if poss the pneumococcal one. You only need that once. I qualified because I was ancient and before diabetes was diagnosed.
Note you have diabetesT1 1.5 and 2 are all diabetes, the specifics of how it is treated differ, but overall it's the same disease
Thank you all for your quick responce. I will definitely ring doctors on monday to enquire about flu jab.
My levels are definitely up, but not too high at the moment - I've increased my novorapid by 25 %, but not sure whether I need to increase my Lantus.

I'm glad I had my flu jab last month, I hate to think what that must do to you (the flu, not the jab!)