Diabetes and Coeliac Disease

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone, Hope you can help me, I suffer from Coeliac Disease and have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, does anyone have any dealings with this trying to control my blood sugar which is now at 86. thanks Clare
Welcome @MilesRC 🙂 Have you been put on any medication for the diabetes? Are they sure it’s Type 2 diabetes rather than Type 1 (Type 1s are at an increased risk as both are auto-immune conditions)?

What were you eating in an average day before diagnosis? If you are Type 2, then you’ll need to watch your carbs as carbs put your blood glucose up. This means reducing portions of things like potato and rice, adding extra veg, and some healthy fats too.
Hi everyone, Hope you can help me, I suffer from Coeliac Disease and have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, does anyone have any dealings with this trying to control my blood sugar which is now at 86. thanks Clare
One of the ways many find they can reduce their blood glucose is by following a low carbohydrate regime, whether this is compatible with Coeliac I'm not sure but if you have a look at this link you may find some of the menu plans can be adapted to suit you. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
This is a program developed by a GP surgery to help their patients manage to reduce blood glucose as the standard NHS Eatwell Plate is to high in carbs for many to tolerate.
When people have dietary restrictions like Coeliac then they may benefit from having a home testing blood glucose monitor as it will enable them to test if the foods they are able to have are OK for their blood glucose.
A good regime is to test before eating and after 2 hours where an increase of no more than 2-3mmol/l would mean the meal is tolerated OK.
Inexpensive ones can be bought on line, the GlucoNavii or TEE2 being ones with the cheaper test strips.
However with your addition health issue you may persuade your GP to prescribe one though they are not obliged to do so for Type 2 unless on certain medication which could cause low blood glucose.
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