diabetes and cancer

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi i have recently been looking into the fact that if you are diabetic , you have a much higher chance of getting certain cancers.
i already suffer from health anxiety and this has really upped my anxiety. can anyone relate to this, thanks.
Hi i have recently been looking into the fact that if you are diabetic , you have a much higher chance of getting certain cancers.
i already suffer from health anxiety and this has really upped my anxiety. can anyone relate to this, thanks.
My view is keeping my diabetes in a good place is important to my health - all of it.

Of course, I read that diabetes increases our chances of some other conditions, including cancer, but statistics are just that 0 statistics. For every 99% chance of something happening, there is 1% chance it won't.

We can only do what we can do, and if I develop cancer there is no way you tell whether that would be diabetes related or not. I do know that, that if I did develop a cancer or any other life threatening/limiting condition, I would double down on my diabetes control to help my body fight whatever ailed me.

Whist I understand that diabetes is no fun, please try not to let it, or it's potential downsides dominate your life.
Shedoads of cancer in my immediate family ie out of 4 of us, (Mom, Dad, 2 daughters) 3 of us have had cancer, 2 of us died OF it. I once had a breast lump which turned out to be a cyst, and went on its own.

Husband's dad and mom died of cancer, and he's had prostate cancer - but no sign of his younger bro having it so far.

Bit like breaking a bone(s) or catching a cold or - if it happens - we get it sorted - but don't spend much time worrying 'in case' - cos if we want to avoid breathing in a germ, we'd have to stop breathing and I wouldn't suggest anyone does that!
Hi i have recently been looking into the fact that if you are diabetic , you have a much higher chance of getting certain cancers.
i already suffer from health anxiety and this has really upped my anxiety. can anyone relate to this, thanks.
I wonder if that is because some of the causes of type 2 diabetes (excess weight) also put people at risk rather than the diabetes itself. Try not to worry and just deal with what you know you have and that in turn will reduce other risks.

Both my parents and my sister had cancer, my dad had bowel cancel, my mum had ovarian cancer and my sister had cervical cancer but all had other causes, my dad developed bowel cancer in his 70s, so not genetic, my mum was on HRT for over 20 years which is likely what caused her cancer and my sisters cancer was caused by a virus. The thing that does run very strongly in my family is Alzheimer's and glaucoma and high cholesterol. My mum, uncle and gran all had Alzheimer's, my mum, dad, niece and me all have high cholesterol, my mum, sister, uncle and grandad all had glaucoma - my test for this is high side of normal but I am resigned to the fact it will get me at some point. I am 57 and am just trying to enjoy life and be as healthy as I can, thats all we can do, because anxiety itself can cause issues. My dad had high blood pressure, my mum very low blood pressure and apart from when I had pre-eclampsia I also have very low blood pressure,

There is a lot of screening available for cancers, genetic testing etc, just make sure you have all the checks and you will be fine, if anything is caught, they it hopefully will be caught early enough. In a way we are lucky as we are all having regular blood tests and health checks as soon as we are diagnosed.

Take care x
I wonder if that is because some of the causes of type 2 diabetes (excess weight) also put people at risk rather than the diabetes itself.
Scientists have a saying: "Correlation is not Causation". For example, being an intrepid explorer of sunny climbs, I have noticed: "Every time I get sunburn, my Ice cream melts. Ergo sunburn cause my ice-cream to melt"

Although it is intended to be humorous, my example illustrates what, in my view, is the biggest single problem facing modern society. That is: Good decision making is based on hard data science, and an unfortunate consequence of this is that this makes the decision process opaque to anyone who does not have an advanced degree in statistics.

Essentially, what I am saying is that you have to trust the 'recognised' experts like Doctors, DBUK, the NHS.... etc.

I know that this means taking most of what they tell you on faith, but to see the results of not doing so, you just need to look at the current economic and political mess we are in. It is an inevitable consequence of trying to apply simple, populist solutions to what are extremely complex problems.

Don't get me wrong. It is good to take an interest in your various maladies, this is why we are all members of this forum after all, But, don't become OCD about it. As an Asperger, believe me, I know that, at times, this can be difficult, but you have to develop mechanisms to help you recognise when your 'health anxieties' are getting the better of your good sense.
I had not heard of a link between diabetes and cancer but I do understand there are increased risks of things like heart disease.
My approach to this has been to keep myself as healthy as I can to reduce the risk whilst living a full life. I keep a close eye on my blood sugars and try to minimise highs and lows. I keep active. I recognise when I am stressed and try to relax. I eat a diet with lots of fresh fruit and veg with minimum processed food. And, above all, I try to enjoy life.
Heard this before as well as CVD risks, thing is you can't go through life worrying about what might never happen, try to eat healthy exercise regularly & don't get stressed & rest is up to fate.
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