Diabetes and ADHD?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've just read some US research that indicates ADHD folk are more prone to get diabetes due to poor impulse control and general planning chaos. This pretty much describes me - in the process of getting tested for ADHD at the moment. Does anyone have the double whammy on this forum who can talk about their experiences managing the diabetes? I'm worried that once the novelty wears off, I will stop trying to manage it - and am desperate to avoid a tight drugs regime as so bad at taking tablets.

Of course, everything could be down to general chaos and nothing to do with messed up neural connections. 🙂
Hope you get some clarity on the ADHD @EllsBells

What sorts of tests do they run? Are there biochemical markers to look for or is it more of a behavioural assessment?

I’m not sure we have many adult members balancing ADHD and diabetes themselves, but it does occasionally come up on the forum for discussion

The ADHD assessment is a scored sheet and an in depth interview with a professional. No biochemical markers. The link between the two conditions is a result of poor planning and impulsive behaviour eg not taking the meat out of the freezer for supper so ordering pizza instead or forgetting to take spot glucose tests unless hyperfocusing which affects concentration elsewhere.
Hi I've been diagnosed inattentive adhd ..eat jmpulsiveky due to adhd ..poor planning and seeking dopamine by esting crisps and chocolates .. taken me ages to find posts on here regarding adhd. Dud you gey assessmentv?
I've just read some US research that indicates ADHD folk are more prone to get diabetes due to poor impulse control and general planning chaos. This pretty much describes me - in the process of getting tested for ADHD at the moment. Does anyone have the double whammy on this forum who can talk about their experiences managing the diabetes? I'm worried that once the novelty wears off, I will stop trying to manage it - and am desperate to avoid a tight drugs regime as so bad at taking tablets.

Of course, everything could be down to general chaos and nothing to do with messed up neural connections. 🙂
Hi I was diagnosed adhd last Yr aged 51. Had a mental breakdown which I'd thought was due to menopause but I'd read a random article on adult women with adhd. Light bulb moment . 18 months later had the diagnosis. I tried concerta xl but had bad side effects. Currently being titrated on elvanse ..this also is meant to help with impulsively. Only on low dose and think it is helping a bit witb eating. I blame my undiagnosed adhd on now being diagnosed t2diabetic as all my life I've eaten sugary foods to make me hsppy or support wen stressed bored etc etc. Food was my go to to get the dopamine I needed. .if I'd been diagnosed adhd earlier I may not have food issues be overweight or have diabetes.. xxx
Hi I was diagnosed adhd last Yr aged 51. Had a mental breakdown which I'd thought was due to menopause but I'd read a random article on adult women with adhd. Light bulb moment . 18 months later had the diagnosis. I tried concerta xl but had bad side effects. Currently being titrated on elvanse ..this also is meant to help with impulsively. Only on low dose and think it is helping a bit witb eating. I blame my undiagnosed adhd on now being diagnosed t2diabetic as all my life I've eaten sugary foods to make me hsppy or support wen stressed bored etc etc. Food was my go to to get the dopamine I needed. .if I'd been diagnosed adhd earlier I may not have food issues be overweight or have diabetes.. xxx
I started being so good ..saying I've diabetes I can't eat this or thst . Lasted 2 months till that wore off. So I too wud like to know how others like us manage. For me i think it's going to be the adhd meds that reduce the need to eat to get dopamine.. I'll kero you informed .my increase to next dose won't be till next appt 4th April x
I started being so good ..saying I've diabetes I can't eat this or thst . Lasted 2 months till that wore off. So I too wud like to know how others like us manage. For me i think it's going to be the adhd meds that reduce the need to eat to get dopamine.. I'll kero you informed .my increase to next dose won't be till next appt 4th April x
Why not look at it the other way round and think of all the things you can eat, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts, strawberries and cream, creamy yoghurts, loads of different vegetables and salads. Using herbs and spices for flavour rather than pre-prepared sauces there is no reason not to have tasty meals and even eating out there are still choices on most menus you just have to be selective.
Have a look at this link for suggestions of what you can eat. https://lowcarbfreshwell.co.uk/
Good evening, I have type 1 diabetes and ADHD (dominantly inattentive variation) I’m on an omnipod dash and libre 2 (when I remember to put my prescription in on time )
Trust me to have a condition which requires planning and monitoring and also having a condition which makes it almost impossible to do
Hi, I have ADHD, and like many with ADHD have developed type 2 diabetes.

Struggling with the diabetes because as my ADHD medication wears off I get the munchies!

Different from before I was medicated, when food and what I ate was part of my unconcious attempts to self medicate.

Difficult and anxious times with medication for ADHD being hard to get from pharmacies. Not likely to improve until the new year.
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