Diabetes amputation rates show huge regional variation

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Amputation rates for diabetes patients are 10 times higher in some parts of England than in others, according to a study.

Researchers say the figures highlight the importance of ensuring the right specialist care.

The findings coincide with an NHS report putting the annual cost of diabetes-related amputations at ?120m.

Amputation rates in some areas are too high, says the Department of Health.

The study, published in the journal Diabetologia, compared lower-leg amputation rates for local health trusts (PCTs) across England over three years.


Terrible! :(
Here is the study for anyone interested.

The surgery that I go to, where there are 5 Dr's available, has always given me the check ups I need throughout the last 9 years and always taken me seriously, given me excellent advice when I ask diabetes related questions, do not fob me off as a nuisance. They often say that they wish all their Type2's took the condition seriously.

I am amazed that there are a number of Type2's there who arrive on mobility scooters, are seriously overweight and some have had amputations. They smoke outside the surgery and often produce totally unnecessary junk food snacks and eat them while they are waiting. You hear snippets of conversation and you know that they do not take the condition seriously.

If I am getting the same education as them, which I know I am, why the discrepancy in results? Who is to blame, the patient or the Dr?
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