Diabetes 2 one month on

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Yesterday was my one month anniversary (seems longer than a month) from being diagnosed with Diabetes 2. I am feeling loads better no thrush, no extreme thirst and no trips to the toilet many time in the evening.

I have been having a healthy diet over the month and have managed to loose over a stone in weight already only another 3 stones to go😱. I have introduced exercise to my day I try to do at least 30 minutes either walking or on my exercise bike.

On the day of diagnosis my bg level was 23.5. I finger prick test each morning before breakfast and over the last week my levels are between 10.9 and 13.5 (which are obviously still high but a lot better than it was). I also test again before my evening meal and these levels are a lot better they are between 7.2 and 9.5.

I have got an appointment tomorrow to get my feet checked and to discuss how things are going. Do you think they will want me to go on medication with these sort of results or just to continue with diet and exercise?
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Hi Sheilagh you have done amazingly well, well done on the weight loss and those finger prick tests have come right down to a really steady level, i cant really say what your doc will decide as its your personal circumstances, but from all the hard work you have done you certainly dont need to go on them in my opinion.Good luck for tomorrow xx
Congratulations on your progress so far.

If medication is mentioned have a good conversation about it. What is it for? What are the possible side effects? Will this be permanent, or might you come off medication of your levels continue to improve (several forum members seem to have come off tablets after a while). Above all don't think of medication as any kind of problem or failure. They are just another method which might help you to improve your bg levels.
It seems to me that your levels have continued to fall in the morning. If you can continue that decrease on just diet and exercise, then that would be brilliant. As a rule of thumb and something for you to try and aim at, when I test, I'm generally in the 5's in the morning now. If you can achieve that, then I don't see why you'd need to go on any medication.

Of course, in the end, that's a discussion that you'll need to have with your medical guys/gals. But make sure that they explain all the ins and outs of any medication and don't just expect you to take it!

Anyway, I have to say that you've done really well so far!

Andy 🙂
It seems to me that your levels have continued to fall in the morning. If you can continue that decrease on just diet and exercise, then that would be brilliant. As a rule of thumb and something for you to try and aim at, when I test, I'm generally in the 5's in the morning now. If you can achieve that, then I don't see why you'd need to go on any medication.

Of course, in the end, that's a discussion that you'll need to have with your medical guys/gals. But make sure that they explain all the ins and outs of any medication and don't just expect you to take it!

Anyway, I have to say that you've done really well so far!

Andy 🙂

How can I get that morning level

By not eating any carbohydrates at tall for my evening meal I usually eat this about 7.00 at night is this to late


More exercise (I currently try to do 30 mins each day)


will that decrease as I loose more weight (probably about 3 stone overweight at the moment)

If I haven't got a problem with going on medication if thats what it takes to get the levels lower.

Just got back from having my feet checked for the first time pulses and circulation are fine phew:D. I have to go back end of November and they will do the HbA1c blood test. Depending on what that test comes back wih they will make a decison if medication is required. She is very pleased with my progress so far.

I am very lucky the Sister I am seeing at the surgery is very supportive and very friendly just like you lot on here:D
Well done Sheilagh - you are doing so well - just keep doing what you are doing and then whatever will be will be. The good thing is everything is going in the right direction - downwards and even more important you are already feeling so much better. Well done.
How can I get that morning level

By not eating any carbohydrates at all for my evening meal I usually eat this about 7.00 at night is this to late


More exercise (I currently try to do 30 mins each day)


will that decrease as I loose more weight (probably about 3 stone overweight at the moment)

Sounds like you've got it all sussed. Reducing carbs from meals should help bring BGs down (I think you are doing this already). I don't think the 7pm timing is a problem.

More exercise will help (though be careful if you are above 13 or something as I think strenuous exercise at lthat level can push BG levels higher)

Weight loss will also help your body use your insulin more efficiently.

You are doing brilliantly, and gentle progress seems to be better for your body than a rapid crash.

Onward and downward!

Sounds like you've got it all sussed. Reducing carbs from meals should help bring BGs down (I think you are doing this already). I don't think the 7pm timing is a problem.

More exercise will help (though be careful if you are above 13 or something as I think strenuous exercise at lthat level can push BG levels higher)

Weight loss will also help your body use your insulin more efficiently.

You are doing brilliantly, and gentle progress seems to be better for your body than a rapid crash.

Onward and downward!


It so hard as you dont know what is exepected of you ........whether once you are eating a healthy diet that the level should drop straight away or if takes time for your level to come down because you are overweight and as your weight drops your BG levels drops. I have dropped Carbs with my lunch most days but still have so sort of carb with my breakfast and dinner.

As you say onwards and upwards:D
well done 🙂 keep up the good work.

My DN told me that if HbAic is 7 or above that's when they may suggest medication but it will be down to your care team as to what they may do for you.
It so hard as you dont know what is expected of you ....

I would *hope* that your next appointment would be full of encouragement for the progress you are making with diet and exercise.

How can I get that morning level

By not eating any carbohydrates at tall for my evening meal I usually eat this about 7.00 at night is this to late


More exercise (I currently try to do 30 mins each day)


will that decrease as I loose more weight (probably about 3 stone overweight at the moment)

If I haven't got a problem with going on medication if thats what it takes to get the levels lower.

Just to clarify, the 5 I mentioned is the fasting level (i.e. before breakfast).

For me, that level was achieved primarily through weight loss because I think most of my diabetic symptoms were due to insulin resistance (which improved as more weight was lost).

I do watch how much carb I eat, but in general do not have to control it too tightly. You may be different and your after meal tests are what you should use to guide you on that (i.e. 2hr post meals should be between 7 and 9).

Any exercise that you do will help with the weight loss and also help reduce your bg levels.

Thanks for your support and advice everyone🙂
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