DH revises competition rules to include opt-out to preserve integration

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
CCGs will be able to exempt themselves from putting services out to competition if they can demonstrate that it will undermine integration, under the Government?s redraft of its controversial competition rules.

But they will still have to demonstrate that services can only be provided by a ?single provider? or be forced put that service out to competition, under the revised legislation.

The rewrite, prompted after a backlash from GP leaders and campaigners, has been cautiously welcomed by the BMA, although it warned that it was still concerned about the overall ?direction of travel? of the NHS towards the greater use of competition.

The Government removed a provision that stated that ?technical reasons? and matters of ?extreme urgency? were the only exemptions to putting a service out to competitive tender.

However, it retained the provision that CCGs can only award a contract without competition when it is ?satisfied that the services to which the contract relates are capable of being provided only by that provider?.


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