Dexcom Survey

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
I’ve just been sent a message from Dexcom asking me to complete a survey about how we find the system, the information will be used to help improve products and services. So I started to do the survey, first question was what age group are you, so I clicked “under 18” because that’s my daughter’s age and she’s the one who uses it. I was already thinking perhaps I should let her fill it in, or at least do it with her present.
But as soon as I clicked under 18 it said “thank you for taking part” and that was the end of the survey!! No further questions at all. So youngsters’ opinions aren’t worth anything then, it seems :(
I’ve just been sent a message from Dexcom asking me to complete a survey about how we find the system, the information will be used to help improve products and services. So I started to do the survey, first question was what age group are you, so I clicked “under 18” because that’s my daughter’s age and she’s the one who uses it. I was already thinking perhaps I should let her fill it in, or at least do it with her present.
But as soon as I clicked under 18 it said “thank you for taking part” and that was the end of the survey!! No further questions at all. So youngsters’ opinions aren’t worth anything then, it seems :(
Does not sound good, there experience is as valid as anyone else's.
Wonder what it says if you say you're (eg) 70+?
It won’t let me try again with a different age, it knows I’ve already done it!
If they are only interested in the opinions of a certain age group then they should say so in the email, to save anyone who doesn’t qualify from bothering.
I wonder if there‘s any legal problem with under 18s still being children? Although if it’s all anonymous I don’t see why it should matter. Young children may perhaps not have the understanding to answer questions correctly, but my daughter will be 17 in May and is quite capable!
I think they should allow teenagers and up to fill it in. Younger than that it’s understandable that their parents would need to do it
Great idea to seek opinion from users.... sounds like it has been poorly executed though! :(
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