Dexcom results oh wow

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Had a look at my Dexcom reports last night
2 days 98% in range
7 days 96%
14 days 94%
30 days 92%
90 days 90%

To say I am more than pleased is an understatement as management has been so much easier since starting Creon. Before even though I had good A1c's it was always hard work achieving my target. Everything was being 2nd guessed and now I can bolus and know what the result is going to be without having to worry about going low as I hadn't absorbed the food eaten.
Life is good again.
I'm really pleased for you Sue. It would be brilliant if there was a creon equivalent for gastroparesis but unfortunately the medication that is available is nowhere near that effective even with dietary changes. I've been told that the vast majority of Type 1 diabetics with gastroparesis struggled to get their HBA1C as low as 8.5 and that many give up because it's so difficult.
Sorry I'm taking away from your message. Your time in range is absolutely brilliant. Congratulations.
Absolutely fantastic result Sue. So pleased the Creon is helping to make all your hard work pay off.
I'm really pleased for you Sue. It would be brilliant if there was a creon equivalent for gastroparesis but unfortunately the medication that is available is nowhere near that effective even with dietary changes. I've been told that the vast majority of Type 1 diabetics with gastroparesis struggled to get their HBA1C as low as 8.5 and that many give up because it's so difficult.
Sorry I'm taking away from your message. Your time in range is absolutely brilliant. Congratulations.
My point was and is, that I had to work very hard to achieve my decent A1c's before I started on the Creon. The Creon has just made it less of a battle for me.
Yes even with all the tummy problems I have always achieved A1'c of 41-46 for the las 15 years so it can be done with a lot of effort and determination.

I was just so chuffed that I have achieved the same result without having to work 24/7 to achieve it.

As to your consultants comments re the 8.5 I suspect a bucket of salt could be taken with it. Now you have a pump and Libre there is no reason why you or anyone else with gastroparesis can not achieve A1c's in the 6's on a regular bases with the effort needed to achieve it.
Staying positive and not feeling sorry for my self is more than half the battle in dealing with all of my autoimmune conditions and I have enough to sink a battle ship 🙂
I totally agree with you Sue and you should be very chuffed. It wasn’t my consultant who said it but someone else about the 8.5.
Every HBA1C I’ve had from 3 months after I went on the pump nine years ago has been between 6.3 and 6.6 and I fought to go on the pump because of the gastroparesis..
Just showing off IMO 😉

Well done! Amazing results! xx
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