Dexcom one+


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So because I managed to lose my dexcom one reciver today(I managed to to flush it down the a toilet don't ask) I went to hospital to see if they can could give me another one for they gave me a dexcom one+ reciver and sensor and said they will changing everything over eventually anyway. So I guess I'm now onvdexcom one+ I hope it's as reliable as the dexcom one was for me so far so good with it being super accurate right of the bat. I am nervous because it's so small it's going to come of easily. I have to the over patch one it but messed that up. I had to put on my stomach because I was having trouble putting it on my arm even though I was managing with the dexcom one
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I think it’s the same size as the G7 @rayray119 I use a mirror to help me position the overpatch over the sensor on my arm. It makes it much easier.
I think it’s the same size as the G7 @rayray119 I use a mirror to help me position the overpatch. It makes it much easier.
I'll bare that in mind for next time thank you.
I'll bare that in mind for next time thank you.
Although it was the sensor itself I was having trouble with on my arm and when Ia was putting the ovetparxg on I could see it as was on my stomach
Although it was the sensor itself I was having trouble with on my arm and when Ia was putting the ovetparxg on I could see it as was on my stomach

Ah, OK. I put my G7 on slightly differently than I used to do the Libre. I hold my arm out, palm upwards then bend it at the elbow to make a backwards L. That puts the back of the arm in the right place so I can then lift it slightly and use the inserter to put the G7 in. If I’m trying to make sure I’m using a certain place in that area (ie trying to make sure I’m not inserting it in exactly the same place all the time), I often use a mirror too so I can check. I already have it set out (a small portable mirror) to do my overpatch so looking in the mirror for the sensor insertion isn’t hard.

I hope some of that helps. I also carefully follow the instructions about pressing with your finger just as they’re written. With the overpatch, I find my G7 sticks absolutely fast and is still stuck tight when I remove it.
Ah, OK. I put my G7 on slightly differently than I used to do the Libre. I hold my arm out, palm upwards then bend it at the elbow to make a backwards L. That puts the back of the arm in the right place so I can then lift it slightly and use the inserter to put the G7 in. If I’m trying to make sure I’m using a certain place in that area (ie trying to make sure I’m not inserting it in exactly the same place all the time), I often use a mirror too so I can check. I already have it set out (a small portable mirror) to do my overpatch so looking in the mirror for the sensor insertion isn’t hard.

I hope some of that helps. I also carefully follow the instructions about pressing with your finger just as they’re written. With the overpatch, I find my G7 sticks absolutely fast and is still stuck tight when I remove it.
Yeah thanks I will try all of that over next time is one. Just party covers the side of the sesonors so I didn't quite get in the. Right place I guess. Although giving the fact I now have a causel job working on bars at football matches (well It could be other events as well if they come up)I think that grace period is going to come in hardy as they could be at all sorts of times
Well I have just managed to insert one on my arm using a the bathroom room over patch is still a bit creased but it's not climbing up one side of the sensor this time.

Pharimists only ordered one sensor as he thought the doctor had made a mistake I had to explain to him I have just changed over