Dexcom one

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I got mine 12 April. Gave it a bit of time to settle. I understand there's a lag between how you feel, finger prick and CGM but mine seems always to be 1.5mmol awry from finger prick. Spoke to dexcom support who said that was a consistently high discrepancy and suggested changing sensor. Diabetes spec nurses just repeat the blurb about lag. I'm already thinking this is an expensive but unreliable toy and if it can't remove the need for frequent finger pricks what's the point. I am generally a bit fed up with the the whole type 1 thing so I'm sure that's not helping, but I just can't seem to get all this straight in my head. Just when I think I've got it...something knocks me back to square one and I feel like an idiot all over again. I use pens no pump and I still have residual insulin production so only using slow acting insulin x1 a day - limited scope for 'damage'. I had done lots of research and it all seemed like it would really help, but I feel now almost as if it's just a thing mostly to be disregarded, which probably isn't the aim of CGMs.
If you’d prefer fingerpricks, you don’t have to use cgm. It’s not for everyone, you have to choose what suits you from the options available.
I suggest you try not to focus too much on individual readings and instead embrace the true value of CGM - which is seeing what your levels are doing throughout the day and night - steady? peaking at certain times? dropping at certain times? This is what will give you and your team the information to tweak doses etc as you progess.

It is very early days for you and you are bound to feel overwhelmed, but take things slowly and you will get there. Good luck!
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