Dexcom One

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Is anyone else having issues with their Dexcom One app?
What sort of problems?

I used Libre 2 for over 2 years before being allowed to change to Dexcom One. So I have some experience of each - both quite different on first use

Dex One app on my android phone is true, or 'real-time' (r-t) continuous glucose monitoring. But to see the value, I have to wake my phone and then open (or wake up) the app. So 2 distinct steps to see an answer.

Periodically my Dex app initially displays a cautionary message telling me me that Dexcom are still testing my phone model for compatibility with their app. It then let's me continue, so this makes 3 steps to see an answer. It's a bit ironic because when I installed the app in January 2023 my phone accepted the installation - whereas my older phone wouldn't accept the installation. AND my newer phone came up as compatible in January, when I checked against Dexcom's compatibility list. But when I phoned the Dexcom support line about a different query, the supporter earnestly assured me (in mid March) that my phone make and model had only been tested and confirmed compatible a week earlier! So I don't have much trust in what the support line say.

Anyway, once I open the app I get results I can view (fortunately). My first sensor was consistently very high against actual BG and Dexcom replaced it. My 2nd sensor was closer, but it failed (stopped reading) after 4 days and again was replaced. My 3rd and 4th sensors have usually been within 0.5 mmol/L of actual BG. So it seems that my body is more happy with the intrusion and trauma of a sensor.

Interestingly, I'm finding Dex One more consistent than Libre 2 - when high Libre was also high, but much higher (eg actual=10, Libre =16; but when low actual =4, Libre could be =3 , or=5). So proportionately different as well as inconsistently sometimes displaying above or below actual. In those circumstances I found Libre totally 'unfit for purpose'. I could never be confident about Libre results, so finger pricked before all bolus doses. I had to work with that unreliability, since at that time there was no alternative; the advantage of getting graphs showing BG variability over a 24 hr period (even if numerically inaccurate, it far outweighs not having that visibility). I'm also finding Dex One less 'twitchy' - the displayed results seem smoother from each 5 minute interval reading.

Slightly frustratingly, as with Libre 2 displays, I can't get a display in Landscape mode. 24 hrs displayed in portrait really compresses the detail into being fairly irrelevant. Libre provided a log of every scan, so I could look back at real (albeit inaccurate) numbers to compare differences, which I can't do with Dex One. Once a Dex reading has been superseded by the next, its 'lost' other than from interpolation off the graph. There is a fair argument that since any single reading, whether from a finger prick or CGM, has its own degree of inaccuracy that single reading doesn't stand up to any scrutiny anyway - so is best viewed amidst an ocean of other readings, ie within a graph. I do get that, but somehow there is something reassuring in being able to compare one apparently exact number against another apparently exact number. Illogical I agree.

My first 3 sensors were fitted on my abdomen, my 4th on the back of my arm. So far that arm fitting seems better. Overall I find the Dex One app OK, no real problems. I preferred Libre 2, with supplementary real-time readings from an unofficial app called Diabox displaying on my sleeping phone face, to Dex One. But Dex One seems more accurate. Reliability of sensors of Libre 2 was c. 50% and the same for Dex One, at this early stage.
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