Dexcom One - Stickiness no go


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all I just put on my new dexcom one, one that was hand delivered from the local team, I followed all instructions and its come off in less than 10 minutes. Back to finger pricking. Have had enough of these stupid things.
Ah sorry to hear that @ME3

I seem to have the right skin for infusion sets and sensors, and if I can keep one on for the first 24 hours so that the adhesive really gets hold I can be pretty sure they’ll stay put for weeks.

Some sets do come with ‘duff’ sticky though. And some just don’t ‘take’.

There are skin prep sprays you can use that will help (eg Skin Tak) if your skin doesn’t bond with the adhesive so well?
Ah sorry to hear that @ME3

I seem to have the right skin for infusion sets and sensors, and if I can keep one on for the first 24 hours so that the adhesive really gets hold I can be pretty sure they’ll stay put for weeks.

Some sets do come with ‘duff’ sticky though. And some just don’t ‘take’.

There are skin prep sprays you can use that will help (eg Skin Tak) if your skin doesn’t bond with the adhesive so well?
I didnt know about skin prep sprays, I used an alcohol wipe the time before and it came off. Ive emailed Dexcom and the diabetes team to let them know. I dont have much muscle mass due to the Klinefelters (Genetic condition). Im glad you manage better tho.
Glad you’ve bern in contact with Dex. they need to know when sensors fail / fall off. Especially if they get multiple reports from one batch or lot no.
Ive actually got half a dozen Freestyle Libre 2's in my medicine cabinet as they kept falling off.
Not too bothered right now. just had a hypo lol.
Do Dex One’s come with the same tapes as G6?

I have a bunch I won’t use if you want me to send you some? Just DM me your address 🙂