Dexcom one sensor reading

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Fairly new to being type 1 i have used Dexcom one sensor but reading was saying i was high and gave the right amount of insulin not long after i had a hypo , after it happened a couple of times i checked Dexcom app witch says i was 19 but also manually done my bloods witch said i was only 9 anyone else ever had this problem with Dexcom one sensor ?
I always check highs with a finger prick before I correct @Brodietype1 However, that’s a big difference. How’s your sensor today?
I sensor seems the be spot on to be fair today , checked on sensor and finger prick was 9.2 and sensor was 10.9 so seems to be ok at the moment
It can help to keep well hydrated with sensors I find.

And this handy post @helli wrote has some good pointers too:
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