Dexcom one reaction

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I currently use the Dexcom one which I love but I seem to be having worse and worse reactions since starting it. I have nearly finished a sensor and usually swap between arms each time I start a new one but my right arm hasn’t healed over the last 10 days.

Can anyone recommend a different placement site for the Dexcom to try please?

Thank you
Have you tried taking antihistamines to reduce the reaction?
Where people have reacted to glues on sensors it can help to use another tape that works okay for you, with a hole cut for the needle. Another option is a barrier cream. I have not needed either so far.
How disappointing for you @AliciaE

I think some of those ‘contact dermatitis’ type things are sort of learned by the body, and it can be hard to persuade the skin that the adhesive is actually fine and doesn’t need to be fended off.

Cavilon barrier cream or spray used to be mentioned on forums a decade ago.

G6 is designed for back of arm and abdomen - not sure if Dex One is the same?
Thanks for confirming @Quincy - it seemed likely!
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