Dexcom One newbie

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Dragon queen

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi. Now I’m on insulin injections as nothing else is working. Looking at this monitor as I have left side weakness and nerve damage. So a monitor on my arm is not going to work. So thinking this will help as can be used on tummy.
How many insulin injections a day do you take? Do you know if you meet the criteria in your area for cgm?
How many insulin injections a day do you take? Do you know if you meet the criteria in your area for cgm?
Hi on one of long lasting lantus 20 units but DSN is starting me on fast acting twice a day before food 2nd May. I don’t mind self funding one to see how I get on. Liber 2 caused so much pain when fitted left arm nerve damaged side lasted a day. Can’t put on right arm as left arm unable to hold scanner can’t lift arm.
Hi @Michelle kaleesi have you seen this page? Where do I insert my Dexcom ONE sensor?
As it says "Look for a place on your belly, back of upper arms, or upper buttocks where you have some padding."
So I am sure you can use your tummy as long as you have "some padding". This is important as I found out recently when my CGM failed and the suspected reason was that I had inserted it somewhere with less than 5mm fat.

The other thing to check is the Dexcom app phone compatibility. Unlike Libre, if your phone is not on the list, the Dexcom app will not be able to be downloaded.

I hope it all goes well and it gives you some useful information. As @Lucyr mentions, when you start with the fast acting insulin you may be entitled to get this funded by the NHS. It is definitely worth asking.
Thank you, yes has been funded by NHS BUT today I get alert from Dexcom my iPhone 7 Plus won’t run their updates app after 29th May 2024. My new phones a Nokia which it won’t work on. Unless someone knows a app at wi
Thank you, yes has been funded by NHS BUT today I get alert from Dexcom my iPhone 7 Plus won’t run their updates app after 29th May 2024. My new phones a Nokia which it won’t work on. Unless someone knows a app at wi
Dexcom offer a receiver for dexcom one which might be the solution if you’ve tried your new phone and that doesn’t work. I don’t know if you can get a receiver on nhs or not but it’s £59.99 to buy
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