Dexcom One and pre-food

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
This is for Dexcom One users:

Dexcom One has a 2hrs warm up so does what you have eaten before affect the readings once it is operational?

Also now I have a compatible phone I'm not sure what to do with the receiver (I bought it because my old phone wasn't compatible).

If I was to order more sensors now how quickly would I get them. I have had them next day via DPD before.
Dexcom One has a 2hrs warm up so does what you have eaten before affect the readings once it is operational?
Dexcom (and any CGM) wil show you what your readings are at the point you check them (and before if it was active).
This should be the same (or close to) as if you had taken a finger prick reading.
So the reading would be affected by what you had eaten if your blood sugar is affected by what you have eaten.
Dexcom (and any CGM) wil show you what your readings are at the point you check them (and before if it was active).
This should be the same (or close to) as if you had taken a finger prick reading.
So the reading would be affected by what you had eaten if your blood sugar is affected by what you have eaten.
Thank you. Tbh I have a spare Dexcom one sensor and transmitter plus the original transmitter. I'm still torn between sticking with Dexcom One and Libre 2. I haven't bought the latter since December for various reasons.
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