Dexcom one and cheast xray.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So I was at a an e (I been having cheast pains and doctor said to go to be on the on the safe side) I had a chest x-ray. I kind thought it probably be alright in dexcom department ad it was an x-ray departmen but when I had the x-ray I did notice the towards the bottom of the x-ray thing trorching it a bit. Do you reckon maybe I should take the seasor off and perhaps change the transmitter( my brain wasn't quite clicking about the reusable transmitter before hand. I do have another transmitter to hand) or that it would be okay as it didn't fully cover it.
Because you are asking the question after the event, in your position I would now change nothing for now but do a couple of extra fp checks - one when lowish and one when higher. If all seems reasonable - still change nothing.

You are correct though that in hindsight (a quality I excel at!) next time it would probably be safer to remove the 90 day transmitter for the duration of the x-rays and let the 10 day sensor take its chance. That at least would be a reasonable precautionary move.

Do let us know what the outcome is.
Because you are asking the question after the event, in your position I would now change nothing for now but do a couple of extra fp checks - one when lowish and one when higher. If all seems reasonable - still change nothing.

You are correct though that in hindsight (a quality I excel at!) next time it would probably be safer to remove the 90 day transmitter for the duration of the x-rays and let the 10 day sensor take its chance. That at least would be a reasonable precautionary move.

Do let us know what the outcome is.
It seems to working Okay this morning morning it said I was 7 when a finger prick said 6.7
Glad that your system has survived.Your system will not top of your thoughts whilst progressing through A&E. I hope that the chest pains have settled.

As @Proud to be erratic said we are usually told to remove transmitter. Another time.
You are correct though that in hindsight (a quality I excel at!) next time it would probably be safer to remove the 90 day transmitter for the duration of the x-rays and let the 10 day sensor take its chance. That at least would be a reasonable precautionary move.

Do let us know what the outcome is.
I can't removed the transmitter without removing the sensor.
. I hope that the chest pains have settled.
Unfortunately they haven't but as couldn't find anything wrong they decided it was probably a muslularly thing. I've been called in to work tomorrow now hope it's a least a bit better by then because I will be rather busy just have to make sure the Im stocked on pain killers(obviously only the safe amount). It's a job I'm really looking forward to doing.
Unfortunately they haven't but as couldn't find anything wrong they decided it was probably a muslularly thing. I've been called in to work tomorrow now hope it's a least a bit better by then because I will be rather busy just have to make sure the Im stocked on pain killers(obviously only the safe amount). It's a job I'm really looking forward to doing.
The intramuscular pain can be very sore. It takes me by surprise sometimes and I just accept using the painkillers. I hope that the job goes well.
The intramuscular pain can be very sore. It takes me by surprise sometimes and I just accept using the painkillers. I hope that the job goes well.
Thanks going to be a Christmas elf.
I can't removed the transmitter without removing the sensor.
Yes, it isn't easy - particularly if it's on your arm and you're on your own. I did succeed in popping the transmitter out when I had my Dex One on my front abdomen.
Well I have just thought it might be behaving slitlly diffefttly but it might just it being laggy. Plus I have taken parcentall a little bit ago(only one dose though which I know is supposed to be okay)
Enjoy your elf role.
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