Dexcom losing signal alot

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have the Dexcom g6 i think and i have only had signal on it today for around 3 hours on and off i have turned my Bluetooth on and off i dont no how many time and it just doesn’t seem to be connecting on the app anyone else have this problem and know how to resolve it ?
Where is your sensor and where is your phone / receiver?

My iPhone is pretty forgiving, but I have to keep my tSlim pump on the same side of my body as the arm with the sensor in it. Some devices seem to prefer to have more of a ‘line of sight’.

Hope you can find a fix for signal loss though. Must be really frustrating! :(
This happened with one sensor with my kid and I can’t remember exactly what we did but if you give the customer service line a call they are really helpful. I think we ended up deleting the app and reinstalling it or something. If you don’t get a solution they will replace the sensor and if necessary the transmitter too for you so do have a chat with them.
I think because the unit is smaller and has an integrated transmitter, my experience has been that the Dexcom needs to be quite close to the mobile phone or else it will lose signal. For some time now, I wear my mobile phone in a belt holder so that I always have it with me. Since moving to the G7, I find that I need to move the belt holder to the side of the body of the arm on which the current sensor is attached. Even having it on the other side (i.e., with much of my body between the sensor and the phone) can cause the G7 app to show a 'Signal Lost' error.
@everydayupsanddowns i have my dexcom in right arm and always have my phone in right pocket and still loses signal a lot of the time starting to stress me out
Hi @Brodietype1,
I have Dex G7 and overall am happy with all 3 of the key features of this: accuracy (negligible calibration needed); reliability (phone app works pretty solidly, but I also have their Reader for when the app / wifi isn't available) and Bluetooth aspects.

I stumbled into a lady who is Dexcom's equivalent to a DSN. She e-mailed me after I had been sent 3 replacement sensors to ask if I needed further help; I was surprised and happy to agree a date/time for a follow on call. Her details are:
Supervisor Patient Care Specialist Team UK/IRE (RGN/DSN) | Dexcom

T: 07826395558 |

Building 3, Watchmoor Park, Camberley, GU15 3YL

won't know me by my name on this forum and she may come to regret providing her full contact details! But if you are still having problems you might find it helpful to phone OR email, leave a message if necessary and include your comment about how this loss of signal is stressing you unnecessarily. I think that may resonate with her. You could also explore where the roll-out of Dexcom One+ is, in terms of when might it become available for your post code. Armed with that info you might find it convenient to ask your G6 provider to swith you to Dex One+; you might even squeeze a trial of the new Dex One+ from her (?). Dex One+ is smaller than G7 or G6 and significantly it is a one piece unit, ie a 14 day sensor with its transmitter built in; basically a new variant of G7.

Even if she passes your call or email across to tech support your problem will be highlighted to someone who should care .... !! And you have a real contact who you can follow up with. Do let us know how you get on.
I find using on stomach is more stable. I’m still using an old iPhone and can leave it far side of room and even pop to kitchen and it’s fine. Now my hubby has nokia and that can lose signal when 2 ft away….
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