Dexcom glucose monitor

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello, does anyone with type 2 diabetes have a Dexcom glucose monitor on prescription?
I have dexcom g6 on px. I think its great, a lot more accurate than libre 2 for me
Sorry, you asked for type 2. I'm t1
That’s ok. Thanks for the feedback.
It would be helpful if you stated what meds/insulin you are on. There are certain NICE guidelines which include type2's on insulin.
I’m on Gliclazide and my dosage has been increased as my mmol keeps rising.
The Dexcom glucose monitor has helped me make the best progress. I’m funding it myself and I think it should on prescription.
I got diabetes because I was given steroids. I have a medical exemption certificate so don’t see why I can’t have this.
Which Dexcom do you have?
It is rare for someone treated with insulin to get the Dexcom 6 or 7 on prescription.
However, Dexcom ONE is becoming more common as an alternative to the Libre 2.
I have the G7. But if there’s another monitor then I would be happy to use it.
Offer intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring (isCGM, commonly referred to as 'flash') to adults with type 2 diabetes on multiple daily insulin injections if any of the following apply:

  • they have recurrent hypoglycaemia or severe hypoglycaemia
  • they have impaired hypoglycaemia awareness
  • they have a condition or disability (including a learning disability or cognitive impairment) that means they cannot self-monitor their blood glucose by capillary blood glucose monitoring but could use an isCGM device (or have it scanned for them)
  • they would otherwise be advised to self-measure at least 8 times a day.

So without being on insulin it would be a hard no to getting on script regardless of the cause of your diabetes.
Even with insulin, many (including myself) are denied it.
Thank you, I’m going to see how this can be changed, starting with my writing to my health trust.
I have the G7. But if there’s another monitor then I would be happy to use it.
There are cheaper options such as Dexcom ONE and Libre 2.
Is there any reason why you chose the G7?
The G7 is so seem-less, no transmitter, or need to remember to scan. You get your readings I starting in the app which I can look at all day long. There’s a report that is generate which I can use to share with my doctor. I just felt the review of this newer monitor were great.
I have the G7. But if there’s another monitor then I would be happy to use it.
There’s absolutely no chance of you getting a dexcom prescribed, G7 or One. Even many of us on 5 insulin injections a day with very little natural insulin production aren’t getting a libre or dexcom prescribed
I’m not against the other monitors, I just wanted the most up to date.
I’m not against the other monitors, I just wanted the most up to date.
There’s really no chance of getting any cgm device prescribed, regardless of which model.
I’m not against the other monitors, I just wanted the most up to date.
Think of it like a car.
If you can afford it, you could buy brand new a top of the range Mercedes. But if all you are doing is driving the the local shops, a 10 year old corsa provides all you need.
If you are not needing to share data with an insulin pump or need your partner to keep track of your levels, the cheaper Dexcom ONE may be all you need. It doesn’t need scanning and produces reports you can share with your doc. You can spend the money you saved on something else.
The thing is, is it giving you information which you are reacting to in terms of changing your diet, if you are not doing that then you are wasting your money.
Use the money to buy better quality, less processed food.
Think of it like a car.
If you can afford it, you could buy brand new a top of the range Mercedes. But if all you are doing is driving the the local shops, a 10 year old corsa provides all you need.
If you are not needing to share data with an insulin pump or need your partner to keep track of your levels, the cheaper Dexcom ONE may be all you need. It doesn’t need scanning and produces reports you can share with your doc. You can spend the money you saved on something else.
Going forward I will look at the other monitors again.
The thing is, is it giving you information which you are reacting to in terms of changing your diet, if you are not doing that then you are wasting your money.
Use the money to buy better quality, less processed food.
Yes I think it is.
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