Dexcom G7 app

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keith opie

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi first post
I have the a G7Dexcom app. I want to ask?
Am I doing something wrong?
The app is triggered by two level lines. One low and one high. Great I set these to my own liking.
Both alarms will sound and repeat which is great!
The problem I have is if I am going high (which I am sure happens to us all) and I do a corrective jab I know it will take possibly two or three hours to level off at a level within my parameters.
The alarm has a OK click box to stop it but the alarm keeps going at really annoying intervals it seems like every minute but is probably 3min intervals. How do I stop it going off?
I can’t do anything more to bring the level down and I have dealt with the problem!
Please any help would be fab as it drives everyone at work mad and makes me look like an idiot.
Many thanks.
I have looked and looked but can’t see any way on my iphone14. Could you send a screenshot of the area to do this please. I am a bit useless with certain apps. You could save a divorce ha ha!
Many thanks for responding.
@keith opie I have the G7 receiver not a phone, but I imagine it’s similar. I chose Settings, Alerts, High then got this screen with the options to Delay 1st Alert and Snooze. Apologies for quick, rubbishy pic:

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I’ve never used Snooze but I think that if you toggle it to On, the alarm won’t repeat after the first alert @keith opie
click on profile.
click on alerts then click on the alarm you want to change.
@keith opie
You can click the delay first alert so that if your sugar temporarily rises it won’t give you the high alarm and then the snooze determines how long after you acknowledge the first alert that it goes off again.
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