Dexcom G6


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Looking for some advice please, changed both sensor & transmitter together now phone app is searching for transmitter, for some odd reason & not seen this happen before a message keeps popping up to asking permission to pair with Dexcom58, what's that all about?

Not paired it as don't want to do something wrong, has sny Dexcom user experienced this if so what did you do.
When I update the transmitter ID on iPhone I get a ‘pair’ request a few moments later - which I accept.

When I look at my Bluetooth list I can see a list of old transmitters eg Dexcom73 or Dexcom 4N

As the links to the sensor are intermittent not continual they all just say, “Not Connected”, so I leave the, all there as I don’t know which is the current one!
Thanks, checked Bluetooth devices before it's looking for one but says name will appear when found.

Odd as not this hassle before, just thinking should I accept request to pair with Dexcom58 then see what happens.