Dexcom G6

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Morning everyone, just looking for a little advice please.

Started on the Dexcom G6 last night and because I was leaning on the sensor it lost Bluetooth and I had to cycle my phone on and off a few times for the readings to start again.

The dexcom now seems to be working as the icons are all showing in the app and the pump, and it is giving readings every 5 minutes. However when I look at the Bluetooth list on my phone, the one line that says DexcomC9 (not sure why it says C9) says not connected.

Just wondered what everyone else can see in their iPhone Bluetooth list. Think I am worrying over nothing as it is working, just can’t understand why the websites say to check your Bluetooth list and mine says not connected.

Thank you!
Hi and welcome to the forum.
I think I have read with the Libre (I appreciate that you are talking about Dexcom) , that if you have too many Bluetooth devices linked to your phone the Libre can drop out, so you may need to prioritize your Dexcom and leave off one of your other devices and see if that helps the situation. I would however wait to hear from other more techi responders who will actually know what they are talking about rather than me spouting stuff I have read about how another device works....or doesn't. 🙄 I believe the Dexcom is considered a much better device so this should not be the problem... but worth considering perhaps.
I am sure others will be along shortly with better info.
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