Dexcom g6

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Relationship to Diabetes
Hi. Currently can’t access the free trial for the dexcom g6 cgm. Our provider offers it with the tandem tslim insulin pump. As currently using the Medtronic 640 with the libre sensor the obvious choice would be the 740 closed loop but not happy with the Medtronic sensor - the hardware for the sensor was the same a decade ago. Any thoughts anyone ?
Hi. Currently can’t access the free trial for the dexcom g6 cgm. Our provider offers it with the tandem tslim insulin pump. As currently using the Medtronic 640 with the libre sensor the obvious choice would be the 740 closed loop but not happy with the Medtronic sensor - the hardware for the sensor was the same a decade ago. Any thoughts anyone ?
I don't think there currently doing a free trail?
Cough up for your self would be the solution if you can afford it. Otherwise it's a case of bite the bullet and take the tslim and hope you like the G6.
Hi I am using the 780 with the closed loop, self funding the Medtronic Guardian 4 sensors, which really do require one finger prick at the start and that is it for the week. I have found that for me it is working very well. Their support line is excellent, and any failed sensors have been replaced. I am finding that my TIR is usually in 90s and I think about my diabetes a lot less than I had to before. The pump does get in a strop if it wants some attention and I ignore it, which is fair enough.
Happy to answer any questions.
Also I think the total cost of
- Dexcom + transmitters which last 3 months and
- Medtronic Guardian 4 + transmitter which lasts 12 months
are very similar.
I've been using the g6 for about 2 years now and find it excellent. Generally reliable, accurate (once you acknowledge and accept the limitations of all cgm measurements), and I have had very few issues. Service is excellent and any replacements needed are sent in about 48hours. I think @everydayupsanddowns is looping with t slim/g6 and is a fan of the combination.
Cough up for your self would be the solution if you can afford it. Otherwise it's a case of bite the bullet and take the tslim and hope you like the G6.
I understand @Nannybear 's reluctance to bit the bullet when we are all different.
Dexcom's reputation and general feedback is good but it would be great to try it, especially if her swap to t-slim is based on it.

I am in the very privileged position to have been able to try five different CGMs over the years and given the feedback about Dexcom, I was disappointed by the G6. It did not seem to like my body and was always needing calibration ... at least you can calibrate it and I am a small minority.
I think @everydayupsanddowns is looping with t slim/g6 and is a fan of the combination.

I am!

And my recent reduction in A1c (alongside improved Time in Range which is up around 5-10%) I mostly put down to the TSlim/Dex combo. And all with slightly less effort involved!

I think the ‘starter pack’ is still available. which is a transmitter and 3 sensors (enough for 30 days, or up to 60 days if you restart them like I do). It’s £160. You’d need a compatible smartphone to act as the receiver.

I think it was Abbott, not Dex, that had a free trial?
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I understand @Nannybear 's reluctance to bit the bullet when we are all different.
Dexcom's reputation and general feedback is good but it would be great to try it, especially if her swap to t-slim is based on it.

I am in the very privileged position to have been able to try five different CGMs over the years and given the feedback about Dexcom, I was disappointed by the G6. It did not seem to like my body and was always needing calibration ... at least you can calibrate it and I am a small minority.
Yes I understand as well if money is tight, But then she has to weigh up her options and take the route that she is comfortable with same as everyone else.
Re your comments about the G6 I can assure you that you are not alone, it's not all singing and dancing far from it.
Thanks everyone for all your helpful information. More questions for anyone using the tslim - what do you think of the infusion sets - they seem to be Medtronic’s minimed mio etc ?
Thanks everyone for all your helpful information. More questions for anyone using the tslim - what do you think of the infusion sets - they seem to be Medtronic’s minimed mio etc ?
Basically all sets are the same just some are better manufactured than others. As far as I'm concerned the medtronic sets suck big time and can not wait to move pump.
Thanks everyone for all your helpful information. More questions for anyone using the tslim - what do you think of the infusion sets - they seem to be Medtronic’s minimed mio etc ?

They are very similar in design, but they aren’t identical as far as I can tell.

Certainly the Varisoft (no inserter) was going to be my choice because it’s basically a Medtronic Silhouette (and I have Sil-serters). But they are minutely different in shape, and the sil-serter *just* won’t accept the Varisoft 🙄
Decision made. Going for the Medtronic closed loop. Thanks again for all the contributions.
How are you getting on with it so far?
See I know someone who asked, next week it was approved, next week she had it. 2 weeks start to finish.

Another question to add to my list of things to ask my team / suppliers
It’s all gone quiet now the decision is made as supplies are slow due to parts coming out of China and warranties are being extended on pumps already in use.
This really worries me with medtronic , they just do not appear to be able to keep up with supplies and I do wonder how many pumpers are going to be left high and dry with them. I waited 6 mths for a replacement pump from them due to a recall, I then waited weeks for a replacement battery cap as there was a fault on the new pump, same thing again for a belt clip.
I'm glad I'm coming off the pump and having a tslim.
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