Dexcom G6 with Apple watch

ian 733

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi, does anyone successfully use G6 with Apple Watch 4?
I am about to go onto Dexcom and would like to be able to see my sugar levels by glancing at Watch whilst cycling. Is this possible - I’ve read comments that suggest you can’t have Dexcom as a complication.
You can certainly use the Apple Watch 4 with Dexcom G5, but only through an app on your phone - not directly. I assume it’s the same for the G6.

So when cycling, your phone (which, of course has to be iOS) has to be in range of your watch, and the Dexcom.

That said, I’m not sure the info would show “at a glance” while pedalling furiously - it might require closer examination, but then I’m not familiar with how you can set Dexcom to display info.
Thanks both. I managed to speak directly with Dexcom today who confirmed the G6 will work with Apple Watch 4 but updates to iOS on phone/watch could cause issues until Dexcom have checked the update. They suggest manually updating iOS once they have confirmed compatibility. I’m going to give it a go.