Dexcom g6 eligibility

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Relationship to Diabetes
Does anyone know what the criteria is for getting a Dexcom g6 on the NHS please? There seems to be a vast difference depending on area. University student so could access either Dorset or Cheshire diabetic hospital teams. Has anyone got experience of either please?
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We’re under a paediatric team in Oxfordshire and have G6 funding. It had to be on psychological grounds as it gives us more alarms etc as parents and loops with the pump. The team psychologist had to send a supporting letter as well as the consultant. Our team will do their best to get funding for all their patients for what suits their needs but it does take time. Under adult care it will be a different budget that they draw from and how to get it approved may vary between areas so talk to your team. If you’re looping then the adding benefits of the G6 makes sense but your team will be best placed to tell you what they need to get funding approved.
Here’s some info on Dorset but it doesn’t cover G6. I’d say dorset seems slow on uptake of technology, eg they’ve actively decided to ignore the NICE guidelines that T2 on MDI testing 8+ times a day should have libre, and said that in dorset only T2 with learning disabilities on insulin should have libre.

Just a thought, if you are able to self fund for a short time, and you can show an improvement in your control through that, wondered if that could support your claim?
We are based in Scotland and not eligible for G6 for my daughter who is type 1.
We are now self funding G6 (CGM closed loop with CAM APS app).
After 3 months using CGM closed loop, I think its a very practical solution - greatly reduced variable swings in blood glucose levels.

Although NICE ( recommend support for all children in the UK, NHS Scotland don't support. See link for latest statement,
In 2023 I'm hoping that NHS Scotland might re-consider or at least make their position clear.

Personally I think it would be more efficient for the NHS to consider the recommendation on a UK wide basis. Decide and provide a simple cost-effective solution, that has maximum impact, UK wide. Regional NHS could deal with minority cases.
There is a NICE technology appraisal for hybrid closed loops due out shortly. This will require areas to offer tech to qualifying people with diabetes when it is published.

The consultation draft is online here:

NICE doesn’t apply in Scotland @tmcn - they have their equivalent own body, called SIGN.

Under current NHS England prescribing guidelines all people with T1 should be offered either Libre2 or a cost-equivalent rtCGM such as Dexcom One.
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