Dexcom g6 - accuratexreadings in the first 24hrs

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I used to have a libre and inserting the sensor 24 hrs before starting seemed to help give better readings quicker.
Does the work for dexcom g6? I've tried a couple of times but got duff readings for a while, whereas this one was inserted straight before starting and it gave good results quckly. Wondered about others experience
I find my G6 tend to work very well from the off. I just insert them, wait for the warm-up and off I go.

What really confuses me (because of the way I try to maximise cost-effectiveness due to self funding) is what happens when I restart them. I stretch the life of sensors by restarting each once, so that they run for 18-20 days.

A sensor that has been tracking really well up until I restart it often comes back after the restart warm-up with a weirdly ‘off’ value - either much higher or much lower than fingersticks. And I then have a busy hour calibrating and recalibrating to try to steer it back into line, while the sensor repeatedly ignores the calibrations and jumps back to the fictional wrong value.

After that it tracks fine again… but the restart glitch happens a lot, so much so that I now expect it!
I tried restarting once, got a couple of days of decent readings, but itvthen went downhill.
I think i shall go for the insert and start immediatly, as we both got good results that way.
I must say g6 is v accurate with me, like pretty much perfect match with blood strip monitor. Except before b'fast when the blood test shows higher.
I must say g6 is v accurate with me, like pretty much perfect match with blood strip monitor. Except before b'fast when the blood test shows higher.

Yeah I get great consistency with fingersticks on the whole, and this is the first CGM I have routinely bolused meal doses from.

It's maddeningly laggy at times, and the ‘every 5 minutes’ updates leave a lot to be desired when my BG is in one of those ‘trapezoid wave’ moods (which is often) - but the factory calibration with optional calibrate is a win for me.
Had a new dexcom today, inserted, started, accurate straight away. My libres gave duff readings at the start, even when left to bed for a couple of days. Don't think will bother with a bedding in period in future
I used the G6 for 4 years, I found that if you calibrate it twice in rapid succession, it seems to take more notice?
How do you restart them? Do you have to remove and replace?

There are a few techniques documented online which are easily searchable. Some involve disconnecting bluetooth, others involve fiddling with the sensor/transmitter.

I generally use the one where you stop the sensor, and then prise the transmitter carefully from the sensor housing (I use a guitar plectrum) and putting it in a different room for 10 minutes or so. Then reconnect the transmitter and start the sensor again as if just inserted. There are no guarantees it will still work as well of course, and it‘s very ‘off label’ - but it‘s the only way I can afford to self fund, so I accept the risk, and keep a close eye on performance.
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