Dexcom G4 CGM available

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well, I've finally achieved funding for the Medtronic, so I don't need my Dexcom anymore.

I don't know if you're interested in the CGM - let me explain...
Back before Christmas the CGM that I got secondhand had a fatal accident and I got a new one courtesy of my insurance. It cost me £125 and it started working just before Christmas so is under guarantee til xmas '17. I have three unused sensors. (£51.25 each) The transmitter still has several months life in it. There are other bits and bobs like cases to clip it to you. There's the charger and instruction book. Everything you need. You can have the lot for £275 if you would like it.
The sensors are meant to only last a week, but if you restart them I have usually managed to get at least two weeks from a sensor, sometimes more. (there's also a bottle of sticky stuff that encourages them to stay stuck for longer). Some people on here seem to be able to make them last longer than me🙄
The CGM changed my life more radically than the pump. I reduced my Hba1c from 70 to the 40s! I think it saved my life at least twice and certainly helped me avoid hospital admissions.

If you are interested in buying it from me, start a conversation with me.
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