Dexcom Follow no data for several days

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Relationship to Diabetes

My son is on a Dexcom sensor and omnipod 5 automated insulin delivery system. I'm using an iPhone 12 Pro with the Dexcom Follow App, and my OH is on iPhone 11. The Follow app has been displaying 'No data' for several days. It's possible that this coincided with the iOS update to 17.1.1, although I'm not at all sure...

Is anyone else having the same problem? And has anyone had it and solved it?

I know that this may be a bit late, but I was advised when I purchased an iPhone to use with my pump, to turn off automatic updates. I am on a different pump, but when there is an update the pump company notify us when it is safe to update. Worth checking with Dexcom/Omnipod.

If It is the update that has caused the issue I have no idea what to do, but again contacting the company may help.
Thanks. Can I ask how you get notified? I think we just have to go to the website and check, which is a real faff...
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Thanks. Can I ask how you get notified? I think we just have to go to the website and check, which is a real faff...
I get an email from Medtronic, saying don’t update until we tell you to.
Thanks. Can I ask how you get notified? I think we just have to go to the website and check, which is a real faff...

A quick scan of the Dexcom site and the ranges they seem to mention are up to 16.6

Though oddly, the Follow app only has a minimum requirement.

Has ios17 introduced any more filters to background-running apps (like the whole time-sensitive faff?).

Have you switched the phone completely off and restarted it?

Have you logged out of the account, and back in again?

From the website:
OS Range Set(s):
Dexcom G7 app iOS 15.0.2-16.6

Dexcom G6 app iOS 15.0-16.6

For Dexcom Follow app, any device may be used as long as it meets the following minimum OS:
iOS 13

Hope you are able to get it sorted!
It’ll hopefully correct itself, or at least mine did.

Is the Dexcom app on your sons phone working fine?
Yes I’ve got the same problem. My daughter says the app on her phone is running correctly (and she restarted her phone for a different reason in the last couple of days and it didn’t help). She can’t be bothered to go to all the faff of deleting and reinstalling the app at the moment, and to be honest as long as she’s getting the data then that’s the important thing, presumably she won’t still want me knowing all her BG data when she’s an adult and living independently! So I might as well get used to not having it.

My phone is 5 years old and not running anywhere near the latest version of Android, and just this morning Dexcom Follow flashed up a message that my phone is not tested for use with the app; I don’t think that’s the problem though as I also have it on my iPad which is running iOS 15 point something, and that isn’t getting any data either. So at the moment I’m just hoping it might fix itself; the fact that other people are having similar problems gives me some comfort that the fault might not be us!
Interesting! Makes me wonder if there is some sort of hiccup brewing as so many of you have a gap in data.

I’m assuming you’ve all checked that ‘share’ is still turned on on the Dex app that’s supposed to be sending info? Is Dex Clarity working? (that tracks data sent to the cloud)

There are trouble shooting and settings tips for Follow here too (that I’m sure you’ve already carefully followed!)

I've had this problem for the last two weeks. I finally rang Dexcom today and got it sorted. You will need your child's phone. My daughter had to delete the G6 app and I had to delete the follow app. The call took about 25 minutes, but definitely worth it for peace of mind
I've had this problem for the last two weeks. I finally rang Dexcom today and got it sorted. You will need your child's phone. My daughter had to delete the G6 app and I had to delete the follow app. The call took about 25 minutes, but definitely worth it for peace of mind

Glad you managed to get it sorted @Pamelav

There may be hope for @Wallyberry yet!
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