Dexcom and ios 15.2

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There were warnings issued about ensuring the alarms were in the right ‘category’ to sound immediately I think.

I’ve not upgraded yet.
Hi has anyone downloaded ios15.2 and experienced any issues with Dexcom ?
I had no issues as read the instructions 😛
Thanks - where did you get the info of see the warnings?
I think I saw them online / social media, and I'm pretty sure I received emails too?
No additional issues - I have had connectivity issues for a couple of months ever since they upgraded the servers and stopped SugarMate integration. I now regularly find that at least twice a day I lose BS reading from the Dexcom App. Its not a big issue as the missing data is always refreshed and the pump does not suffer in the same way as its Bluetooth and therefore not reliant on the wider Dexcom system.
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