Devon role in ?45m type 2 diabetes research

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Medical researchers from Devon will be involved in a ?45m (?37m) European project to research type 2 diabetes.

The Peninsular College of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Exeter and Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital will research and analyse samples.

It is hoped the project, involving 21 academic institutions across Europe, will improve treatment for diabetics.

The Direct (Diabetes Research for patient stratification) project aims to develop personalised treatment.

The aim of the research is to categorise different types of type 2 diabetes and their causes, as well as how they may respond to different treatments.
Oooo, that sounds something interesting! :D
Looking forward to their findings. It may well help us understand why the one size fits all approach is flawed.
Hmm - all about DRUGS LOL

They have to find drugs to solve the problems because doctors are far too stupid to explain how to make lifestyle changes that actually work, to their patients.

Hmm - all about DRUGS LOL

They have to find drugs to solve the problems because doctors are far too stupid to explain how to make lifestyle changes that actually work, to their patients.

Well I was hoping that it would explain why, nearly nine years on, that I am still on diet and exercise and how long it will be before I can expect to need medication.😉
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