Devices that would help Foot Neuropathy

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Relationship to Diabetes
Hi there

Just been chatting to a gentleman who would like some direct advice as to the effectivness of a device that appears to stimulate the blood flow in your feet and which claims to help the symptoms of Neuropathy. I can see that a particular device has been discussed but in general have any members got any direct experience? He is seeing his GP and Podiatry Team already. He just would like to know patient views please.
Thanks very much! I am the Regional Support Officer for Northern and Yorkshire for Diabetes UK and I am also a Step Mum to a son with Diabetes (Insulin dependent) following a severe RTA. My Father had a heart attack a year ago today having just been diagnosed Type 2 and all of his side of the family are also Type 2. I wanted to join this forum so that I can see threads and get to know the local on line community! I hope this is OK?
Hi Paula, Welcome.
I wanted to join this forum so that I can see threads and get to know the local on line community! I hope this is OK?

Welcome, of course it's OK.

My father and I both use a foot massage device similar to the Revitive Medic (not that expensive). It's very difficult to be objective and all I can say is that my dad swears by it and I find that the lymphoedema that I used to get (lymph nodes in ankles not working properly) is never as bad as it used to be. It's possible that it has held off the effects of neuropathy because I still have relatively good feeling in both feet, perhaps that would not be the case if I hadn't used the thing. I might be a masochist because I like the thing turned up to max, it literally makes the toes curl. LOL

I think they're good, but that's just a personal opinion.
It's whatever floats your boat graj0 - if it works, keep it up, it won't do any harm.
May also help to have a course of physiotherapy where you will be given some simple exercises both seated and standing
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