Devastating diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Years ago, Shelbyville native Debbie Smotherman lost a bunch of weight -- but she wasn't on a diet. She was sick, and tired all the time. Granted, she worked a lot and was also a busy mom, but the way she was feeling could not be explained by the normal definition of stress.
"I had been very sick for many years and did not understand why," said Smotherman, 50, an employee of Shelbyville's Public Works Department. "From October 1999 to November 1999 I had lost like 20 pounds and I had no clue why. I was so thirsty all the time. I could not quench my thirst no matter how much I drank. I was tired beyond belief."

November is American Diabetes Month, and Smotherman is one of nearly 26 million Americans who suffer with the disease.
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