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Blue flash

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So attended desmonds (charity funded to try educate for self management) today, think would been good for me 10 years ago before went on medication.

Was told a few things about gliclazide, wasnt aware of so though come share and find out groups thoughts experiences.

1. to take 15 minutes before food, Ive also just taken with other tablets 1 before bed and 2 in morning. Did that this evening had pork, kale and cheesy leeks, after 2 hours blood 3.8 (70 in us) had some plain chocolate and upto 6.7 (122)

2. That gliclazide can cause hunger, when going low carb was fine for 4 weeks or so lasts few weeks have been starving at work and planning all day what can eat when get home.

3. That on gliclazide should been given a monitor / test strips and test before driving.

My next blood test not till May dont think Doctor will change medication without upto date hba1c readings.

Going try book appointment anyway, as need clear head. My 3 mth plan to go low carb and reduce sugars hit small lump in road.

If i forget to test and my sugars go 3.8 again, do you always get hypo warnings of sweats and anxiety? Really want see 3 months out and check my hba1c.

Thanks for reading
Hypos can have shedloads of different symptoms for different folk at different times.

You can get the sweats, you can get the feeling that eg in my case my top lip has broken out in a sweat (which has never actually happened in my whole life). you can feel shaky, you can see spots before your eyes, they can go blurry, you can feel it's hard to concentrate and not be able to decide what you ought to do - all sorts of different things! I have to say that when I notice it, I know I feel somehow, ODD, just Not Quite Right Somehow - and hopefully haven't dropped that low that I don't think Oh I better test my BG.

Whatever symptoms you happen to get - if your BG is absolutely plummeting down at speed - then the symptoms will be worse, than if you slide down slowly. Same general symptoms you usually get, just worse if it's a very quick drop.

In some (isolated hopefully) instances - you don't get anything until you're nearer 3 than 4 (or even under 3) then suddenly feel like, well, crap and know instantly that you just HAVE to treat first and test BG after. I think that might be more likely for insulin users though - and as I said - for me it really has been rare.
Thanks, thats a relief I had visions of suddenly collapsing and someone trying force a mars bar and lucazade down me. Over activate imagination on too many tv drama or films.
Well i know I had a good Diabetic Nurse(Now Retired), she gave me meter and the DVLA leaflet when she prescribed me Gliclizide. i went on slow release quite quickly as it gave me quick drops. I did not always recognise the hypos I got with it sometimes I got typical symptoms, others I felt anxetiy whilst sitting in the hair at home, and a couple of times I had migraine type symptoms, I only knew I was hypo with the anxeity and migraine type symptoms were because I tested. I came of it about months ago as I was having too many hypos and my HBAC1 was down.
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