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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am away to the Desmond course all day tormorrow (weather permitting). Hope it is not cancelled as I have been looking forward to it...

Will report back and let you know how I get on.
I hope you enjoy it and manage to learn something. You might find it's a little basic with your knowledge. Are you taking anyone with you?
hope it goes ahead and that you enjoy it
I am away to the Desmond course all day tormorrow (weather permitting). Hope it is not cancelled as I have been looking forward to it...

Will report back and let you know how I get on.

I went on my DESMOND course last week CAZCOT I really enjoyed it and defintely benifited from it.

Hope you enjoy it🙂
Back from the Desmond Course... There where two dsn's present (first time I have met a dsn). The course was curtailed because of the weather and they are going to arrange a second course in January. We did the usual introductions, a bit about signs and symptoms, causes, medication, complications and spent the majority of time going over the different food groups and the amount of sugar in foods.

Most people were newly diagnosed/less than 6 months diagnosed and I was by far the youngest (by about 20/25 years 😱) For me personally I thought the course was a bit simplistic and a bit below my level - but that is only because I have learned so much from you lot! If you are newly diagnosed I think it would be a very beneficial coure. And the dsn did say that they try to get people on the course within 3 months of diagnosis.

What did come out of the course was the difference in they way we are dealt with. One man didnt feel well and is MIL (a T1) tested his bg and it was 29 and he phoned his surgery only to be told he would be okay come in a fortnight for an appointment!! Luckly he persisted and got seen. There were a few that had been told "you have a touch of diabetes" or "mild diabetes" and told to just read leaflets eat more healthily and they will be okay! I think the dsn's were genuinally appauled by some of the information that was given out or rather lack of information given out...

The old "you are no need to test you are T2" raised its ugly head. The dsn's are of an opinion that T2 should be given test strips if required and if they are used correctly (isnt that what we have all been saying all along 🙄)...

All in all if you are newly diagnosed it is a very helpful course and would recommend it. It was also very helpful listening to other peoples experiences and I did manage to get a wee plug in about the forum :D.
Great stuff Carol! How awful for that poor man to be told that, makes my blood boil - it's surely negligence of duty! Grrr!!! Good that the DSN's saw the wisdom and logic of testing appropriately. And well done for getting the plug in for the forum! I gave my new DSN a forum poster and letter extolling our virtues, so hopefully she will spread the word too! 🙂
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