Desmond course

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My nurse has referred to the NHS My Desmond. Ive not heard from the programme yet . Watch this space.
Have you done the course / programme on this site. Im working my way thru it - informative and helpful
DO NOT PAY for DIABETES.CO.UK (Diabetes media ) . I did in a weak moment. Its taken weeks to get my money back. Use DiabetesUK - this site
I attended a 1 day Desmond course, it was interesting hearing other people stories etc but it was still based on healthy plate, quiet a lot carb counting exercises, guess spoons of sugar in different food items, but they wasn't too supportive of me trying to have low carb diet.
We have had quite a few members over the years who have been on the Desmond course, and some have found it much more helpful than others I think - it may depend quite a bit on the person/team that is leading the course?

Hope it’s a good one for you if you are offered a place on it.
I did the on-line DESMOND course, It is quite structured and you can work through the 'modules', basic information but still useful if only to allow you to make informed choices, still based on the low fat, some carbs are OK.
There is a chat forum which is now quite active (it wasn't when I did the course), as with this forum people come with different experiences and exchange of ideas.
During the pandemic they let people whose CCG'S were not signed up to their online service, but withdrew access without notification after about 6 months.
Whats the difference between DESMOND and the Diabetes UK programme. Ive just started to go thru this. Informative.
Whats the difference between DESMOND and the Diabetes UK programme. Ive just started to go thru this. Informative.
This is about the MYDESMOND program
The Leicester Diabetes Centre, part of the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, presents the online version of the award winning DESMOND self-management diabetes education, myDesmond.

myDesmond brings together the content and research evidence from our NICE approved face-to-face DESMOND self-management programmes to a portable interactive web-based platform to support you in managing your health. This means you are getting the same quality but delivered at a pace adjusted to suit your needs.

All of our programmes use a variety of different formats, including short videos, articles and interactive activities on topics such as diet and lifestyle for you to view as quickly, or as slowly as you like. With our myDesmond forums, you also maintain the community you would get with our face-to-face programmes. Over 20,000 people have now benefitted from myDesmond.

myDesmond has been thoroughly assessed by NHS digital and recently scored 83% in a health app review by ORCHA, which demonstrates myDesmond is safe and secure to use. It is these assessments that helps build confidence in the digital support offered through myDesmond.
Three levels TYPE 2, Pre Diabetes and Baby steps.
Whats the difference between DESMOND and the Diabetes UK programme. Ive just started to go thru this. Informative.
About 15 years ago the Great and the Good decided that all Diabetics as near dx as possible should have a structured education course to kick them off. Type 1s already had DAFNE ( Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating) so the NHS enlisted a nice chap called DESMOND to have a single day's chat with Type 2s. If you've been on this Support Group for a couple of months you are probably well past Dessie but might learn a snippet or two and meet sone local T2s. The X-Pert diabetes course, one day a week for six weeks, is generally thought to be a better introduction for Type 2s.
About 15 years ago the Great and the Good decided that all Diabetics as near dx as possible should have a structured education course to kick them off. Type 1s already had DAFNE ( Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating) so the NHS enlisted a nice chap called DESMOND to have a single day's chat with Type 2s. If you've been on this Support Group for a couple of months you are probably well past Dessie but might learn a snippet or two and meet sone local T2s. The X-Pert diabetes course, one day a week for six weeks, is generally thought to be a better introduction for Type 2s.
That's interesting.
I cannot comment on DESMOND but attended an equivalent to the DAFNE course 12 years after my Type 1 diagnosis are really benefited from it.
I learned some things and got to talk to other people with Type 1 about their experience.

Based on my experience, I would not back away from free education about my medical condition.
I never heard of the X-Pert course.
I had excellent help on the Desmond.
I had the benefit of a group face to face meeting, I made contacts with the HCP's that ran it, and although it is a one day course, if you are prepared to put the work in, it will give you access to other courses.
From memory, they ran NHS exercise courses after, there was a football, golf, gym, taster sessions, I eventually stuck with the gym through my GP.
I attended a 1 day Desmond course, it was interesting hearing other people stories etc but it was still based on healthy plate, quiet a lot carb counting exercises, guess spoons of sugar in different food items, but they wasn't too supportive of me trying to have low carb diet.
I had much the same experience as Blue flash - the dreaded 'eat well' plate made an appearance, and we were advised to cut down on portions (still plenty of carbs on the plate though) but to be honest I've learnt so much more from this forum.
I did the DESMOND course and found it very useful for me. I knew nothing about diabetes and denied I had it for a long time. It is probably not for everyone depending on how much you already know, but I did benefit from going on the course. A lot of it is common sense but some things are useful to know. I already knew that reduced sugar jam and marmalade contains sorbitol after my Mum said she had not been too well. Sorbitol is a natural laxative (also found in toothpaste!) and does not go too well with Metformin as my Mum found out!
Has anyone done the NHS Desmond course? If so is it good?
I was diagnosed with type 2 on 12 July but haven't been referred to Desmond course at all. Fortunately I've been able to research my condition thoroughly and quickly take the necessary diet and exercise steps to get me on track.
I spoke to my nurse about a course as my doctor had mentioned it she went off to find the Number as it is self referral .came back and said she can’t find it and will text me. Still waiting?
I have done the on-line Desmond course and after a few people were asking about it I asked the course team and this was their reply.
How people access the MyDesmond programme will depend on a number of factors; firstly whether MyDesmond has been commissioned where they live- MyDesmond is available under licence and some commissioners will choose to offer different products, MyDesmond is one of a number of diabetes online programmes. Secondly, if it has been commissioned it will depend on how the programme has been commissioned in their area. In some parts of the country access is via a GP or health professional referral. In other areas self referral is an option. Each locality makes their own arrangements for the referral process and this is not decided by MyDesmond. Individuals can find out if DESMOND/MyDesmond is available in their area and how to access the service by checking our map for details of their nearest provider at

I hope that helps
I spoke to my nurse about a course as my doctor had mentioned it she went off to find the Number as it is self referral .came back and said she can’t find it and will text me. Still waiting?
In the end I found out that my area the GP practice has to refer you. The nurse did this and it came through. I dont know my DB Type yet . I asked a question and was told they ???
only deal with Type 2.
I was diagnosed with type 2 on 12 July but haven't been referred to Desmond course at all. Fortunately I've been able to research my condition thoroughly and quickly take the necessary diet and exercise steps to get me on track.
Diabetes UK looks a very good site . There is a course to follow thru .
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