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Hello All , I am new to this site, and it looks very popular🙂 I was just wondering if any of you could help me ? My mother has diabetes and she 79 yrs old, and her sugar levels are showing 18/19 before she goes to bed, well we want to get this down to single figures. So today I have said to her no more diabetic ice cream and no more bananas for two days , just to see if her levels will drop down.

What i would like to know is? what desert's can I buy her that has a very low sugar, we shop at tesco's if that helps🙂
many thanks .
Hi Tony, welcome to the forum 🙂 Do you know what sort of medication your mother is on for her diabetes? What you need to avoid is anything that is high in carbohydrate. For desserts, than can be difficult to achieve as most, even fruit, contain some carbohydrate. As far as fruit is concerned, you should try and get things with a low glycaemic index, like strawberries. Bananas are medium to high GI, grapes are high.

Rather than concentrating on the desserts, it might be more beneficial to look at her other meals and find ways of reducing the carbohydrate content in those or replacing those that are high GI with lower substitutes. Id suggest looking in the Recommended Books section for some of my reviews of GL diet books - having a good knowledge of the best way to plan meals and their contents will allow you greater flexibility in meal planning.

If I can help any more, let me know 🙂
I can't find Recommended Books - where should I be looking???

Thanks 🙂
Diet yoghurts are one option - but make sure they are reduced sugar as well as reduced fat. You can also get no-sugar jelly.
Hi Tony, welcome to the forum 🙂 Do you know what sort of medication your mother is on for her diabetes? What you need to avoid is anything that is high in carbohydrate. For desserts, than can be difficult to achieve as most, even fruit, contain some carbohydrate. As far as fruit is concerned, you should try and get things with a low glycaemic index, like strawberries. Bananas are medium to high GI, grapes are high.

Rather than concentrating on the desserts, it might be more beneficial to look at her other meals and find ways of reducing the carbohydrate content in those or replacing those that are high GI with lower substitutes. Id suggest looking in the Recommended Books section for some of my reviews of GL diet books - having a good knowledge of the best way to plan meals and their contents will allow you greater flexibility in meal planning.

If I can help any more, let me know 🙂

Hi Many thanks for getting back to me, my mother is type 1 diabetic.
I will have a look out for the books.
so once again many thanks.
Thanks Steff - you are a star!
Morrisons do a no added sugar Angel Delight desert which comes in banana flavour as well as the No added sugar Angel delight, not exactly carb free but not too bad I find.
I've recently started making my own yoghurt using low fat milk and it tastes great. I have it with fresh berries like blackberries or raspberries which I love, sometimes with a little pineapple which doesn't seem to send my numbers up too high. I have trouble with the 'no added sugar' things as they still contain large amounts of artificial sweeteners and I seem to react badly to them, but that's probably just me. If one of you can bake, you could try making something like carrot cake and replacing half the flour with ground almonds. Both the carrot and the almond are naturally sweet, so you wouldn't need as much sugar, and it would cut down on the carbs too. You could use one of the recipes from WWII as a starting point.
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