depression tablets

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Type 2
been feeling very down these last few months, and not sleeping until the early hours then being very tierd thourgh the day. so went to my doctor today an explained how i was feeling and he gave me drepression tablets and sleeping pills, the depression tablets are called citalopram hydrobromide and tne sleeping tablets are called temazepam, im a bit unsure weather to take the sleeping tablets or not. is anyone else on either of these tablets? any advice would be very greatful xxx
Hi Tracey my partner was on the sleeping tablets you mentioned I just asked him what he thoughts where on them,he said be careful because they make you feel very drowsy and gave him quite a few headaches but they did help improve his sleep he was averaging about 3-4 hours a night and within 2 weeks of taking temazepam he was getting 6-7 hours.Hope whatever you decide they do the trick for you Xx.
Hi Tracey.

I understand where you are coming from as it reminded me of when i suffered with post natal depression. At this time i was put on Citalopram. I was very anti about this but needed something as i was getting outta hand and was having BIG problems bonding with my daughter! Anyway, I reluctantly took them and was started on the bare minimum (i can't remember exactly if this was 25g now).

I think my opinion of them was to do with the labels that i felt you were given when on anti-depressants. I am happy to be out there and say i was on them as for me it did me the world of good. I didn't skip down the road straight away (or ever for that matter) but felt that at the time i was sinking/drowning and the tablets helped me to stay afloat. They helped me to think straight without always feeling so down about the world in front of me and more importantly helped me to bond better with my daughter.

I was on them i think for about a year now and was then scared to come off them! But, i did and i am quite a determined character so felt i was back on a level playing field with myself in anycase.

I would recommend Citalopram to help you to come out of a hole you may feel you are in. Make sure that your Dr's keep an eye on you regularly incase they need to change the dose. I also remember another important point i was also told that they don't work straight away and can take upto 14 days to kick in so if you don't feel any different in the begining then this is why. Keep in contact with your surgery as well like every 3 months for example or more often if needed.

I can't talk about sleeping tablets as i have no probs in that direction but hope i have offered some help with the other.

Take care and there is nothing worse when you feel like that...there is help and in turn it helped me 🙂

Bernie xx 🙂

Like Bernie, I too was put on citalopram for pnd. Before I was put on them I was really getting desperate, everything seemed extremely bleak...I won't go into detail but it was an awful time. When on them (& like Bernie says they take a few weeks to take effect) I found that I wasn't despairing like before - I wasn't what you would call happy, but felt more neutral about everything (which, frankly was a massive improvement! 🙂). I was on a dose of 40g for quite a while, a year or so I think, then gradually weened off them. It took a while but was ok.

Like Bernie, I think the stigma can be a big issue for some people. Personally I look on it as a blip where I needed a bit of extra help, for a different chemical / hormonal imbalance - it's no reflection on the person.

I really hope that helps, and whatever you decide to do, you feel better soon.

Twitchy x
thanks steffie, bernie, twitchy and am for your advice and support, its very apreciated 🙂 xxx
Been there Tracey, I was on Citalopram for a bit only they made me feel worse so I was changed over to Mirtazipine which worked much better for me. I had a herbal sleep remedy and relaxation techniques instead of 'proper' sleeping pills, which were about as much use as a chocolate teapot. I'd take the pills for a couple of months and see how you get on with them, then if it doesn't work for you, go back to the doctor. There's no shame is getting a little help when you need it. I'm doing a lot better now and off the pills which is great, but if I'm ever that bad again I won't hestitate to go to the doctor about it.

EDIT: Reading Tez's post, I should say that the thing that helped me most was being able to get on a counselling programme, through the DWP of all places. It was Cognitive Behaviour Therapy which taught me to look at things in a different way and find new ways of dealing with life that help me combat the depression. I still get down, as witness all my whinge posts on here, but I have much better coping mechanisms now that mean I can manage without the pills at last.
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It might take a while to find the best tablets that work for you.

I am on Prozac now.

One thing I did discover was a depression workshop.

A group with a mentor meet every week. As users, we're all in the same boat so to speak and there are many more people to share your problems with. The mentor is trained to give correct advice if we don't know best or correct the way to deal with the situations we come across.

I have found new ways to deal with my depression.

One thing I will say about the tablets is they can take a month or two to really kick in.
I was on citalopram for 3 years and they worked well for me, and then seemed to stop working so well.. I am now on venlafaxine and they work well. I have zopiclone for sleeping tablets but only take one when I feel the need.
been feeling very down these last few months, and not sleeping until the early hours then being very tierd thourgh the day. so went to my doctor today an explained how i was feeling and he gave me drepression tablets and sleeping pills, the depression tablets are called citalopram hydrobromide and tne sleeping tablets are called temazepam, im a bit unsure weather to take the sleeping tablets or not. is anyone else on either of these tablets? any advice would be very greatful xxx
Hi Traceycat🙂
I started a similar thread recently and received lots of useful replies.
Please have a look at this, too.
thanks everyone for your advice and support its been realy helpful to me and knowing that im not alone in having depression. i wont be ashamed taking medication for it because its like alison said theres no shame in getting a wee bit of help when you need it. the sleeping pills i will only take when i realy feel i need them as my doctor says they are addictive. thanks kay for the link, sorry i forgot there was already a thread on depression, i just went into it and it was realy helpful reading everyones posts on it 🙂
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