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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

not been on for a while its now a year since diagnose and spending october week last year in the hospital

it been a year of a rollercoster and feel like im back at square one again im back on my fix again(chocolate) and battling with my waves of depression its the only way i can discribe how its takes over me like waves of the sea calm days and overwelming days. i know its not fair on my son and hubby and im trying not to let if affect my son in particular as he is also showing signs of depression and i know im the adult and i should know better and be strong for him

i cant seem to eat right just now i can go without breakfast, lunch, dinner and sometimes all 3 as long as i dont get cought. been to the doc and on anti depressents for months now but not taken the pain of depression away i just want to be normal and have a job and to be happy mmmm why cant this be me:confused:
Hi topcat so sorry to hear your feeling this way, ive just had a week from hell which resulted in me visiting the doc and getting new medication anti depressents included .Its so difficult to get through just when you seem to be getting there then bang it hits you again, all i can do is offer a good pair of ears and if you ever need a chat then please PM me anytime.We need to be there for each other when one of us is feeling low so if any of us can be of any kind of comfort for you then just yell xxx
thinking of you both. Depression is horrible and can be really isolating, do share how you are feeling if it helps. I have terrible depression sometimes and have done for years so you have my sympathy. hugs.
Hi TopCat you know you may be doing better than you think. If you keep a diary you can look back and it will give you an opportunity to judge how you are now with how you are then. It somehow helps to get perspective as when depressed you may be improving but be unaware of it.

However, if you really are no better go back to your GP and tell them, some antidepressants suit some people better than others. You might be able to try another one or increase the dose. Could the Dr get you some counseling ? There may be a voluntary organisation near you that others counseling, anxiety management or self esteem courses.

Take a look at this link (Steffi you might want to look too)- my Dr recommended it a while back
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sorry to hear you are feeling this way. nice to see you posting and i hope you start to feel better soon
Glad your back with us and sorry your feeling so down - I am sure we can all help to support you through it all.🙂Bev
So sorry your feeling so down topcat. Depression is so debilitating and takes over our evry thought. :(

I know what it feels like to worry about the effect of depression on your family, my own daughter went through a terrible stage of self harm at 16 and I didn't feel I could help her at all because I was so down too, and not just that I felt so guilty I blamed myself for her depression too, me passing on my faulty genes and all that! :( ! But we talked and cried and talked and cried some more, and we got through it and we now have a really close relationship 🙂 she is such a wonderful girl and I feel very blessed to have her. So please take heart things will get better for you both.

Please feel free to PM me, will try my best to be a friendly 'ear'

I do hope things improve for you soon, take care, lv Shirl
I too am a fellow sufferer so im sending you big virtual HUGS ...the sea will calm again ...just ride out the storm x🙂
Hi Topcat,

Just wanted to know how your doing today? Do hope your feeling at least a little brighter and a little more positive. PM me if you want a chat,

take care of yourself, lv Shirl x
I hope you're feeling better. The dark mornings don't help much either. Many people find it helps to come here and talk whene they can. Let us know how you feel. One friend says she takes the morning and then the afternoon and before too long she feels better.
I can totally relate to how you've been feeling!! I was diagnosed in 2004 just after a miscarriage (my previous pregnancies I'd been gestational diabetic), with type 1 and i was put straight onto 4 injections a day. My control was horrific, I've a son that is autistic and i found trying to cope with everything i was needing to do for him was my first priority.

I went through depression but I didn't even seek advice with that - I hid everything from everyone (something i learned as a child!), it was when i had time to myself alone that I sat and cried myself silly.

In 2007 I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, finding out she had a CDH I kept ontop of my diabetes ... There was no chance i was putting her life at further risk ... and even now i can't get over the fact of how ontop of my control i actually was!! However when she was born she lived 8 weeks ... I became depressed again and my control was out the window once more!!

I've managed to get out of my depression ... I think that the move away from where i lived was the first step ... get away from a small town where everyone knew my life story and into a place with my new man where I felt safe and secure.

Three weeks ago I turned rather ill ... I spent a full week asleep ... This scared me as I have to be alright for my kids ... I'm all they've got down here apart from my other half's family!! So I went to the doc's n told them all about my bad control, the reasons why i hadn't bothered with everything and how i wanted to change things ... I was completely honest with them and they were so supportive it was unbelievable. They've now got me started on a new insulin and it's a once a day injection (which i'm sticking with so far but it has only been since Monday lol).

From my experience I've realised that talking with the people on here ... it's encouraging to find people going through similar things ... that people don't judge me because of my (ridiculous) laziness in the past!! They've all made me feel really good about myself!! Have a look at my introduction thread and you'll see how genuine and supportive everyone is.

If i can ever offer a listening ear ... I'll gladly be here for you ... my pm's are open and it'd be a pleasure to be there for you ... it's horrible when you think that you don't have anyone and you have to put a front on!! Also it's sometimes easier to speak with someone that's outside the situation that you can't actually see ... so just type your little fingers to the bone and there'll be no judgement ... just support and advice if i can think of any!!

Take care of you and don't be a stranger!! XxXxX
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