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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Everyone,
Managed to get an appointment with a dentist tomorrow morning. In Scotland I don't think I would have seen one into next week!

Donna 🙂
Hi Everyone,
Managed to get an appointment with a dentist tomorrow morning. In Scotland I don't think I would have seen one into next week!

Donna 🙂

Brave girl you lol hate those people, hope it goes ok x, what are you having done?
I'm midway through having a crown fitted. Only 198 quid on the NHS! That will be me when I part with the money next week 😉
I hope all goes well at the dentist and it is not too traumatic for you.
Hi All,

Well, back from the dentist and I need root canal work on 2 of my teeth.

The dentist opened up the root canal this morning and has squirted antibiotic liquid into the cavity. He has now sealed it and I have to go back next Thursday to get the root canal finished. What is root canal exactly?

The Norwegian's are such a friendly bunch and I've never been to a dentist before where they shake your hand and smile and laugh. I felt instantly relaxed! Before the dentist saw me his "secretary" took me into a little room for x-rays and it showed up the problem. Here in Norway, the dentist does his own work and doesn't have a dental nurse beside him.

Question. On rising this morning, my bg level was 8.1. I had 1/2 slice of rye bread with butter. On my return from the dentist, it had gone up to 10.8! I was wondering whether the rye bread would have shot it up or the injection/stress of going to the dentist?

I had root canal work done. It involves lots of drilling and work done the roots of the teeth. To be honest when I had it done it was because I was getting married and it looked better if I had all of my teeth, but the tooth I had filled I lost about a year later , I managed to crack it while dipping my biscuits in my tea, but that was nearly 30 years ago.
I imagine it was the stress that raised your levels - stress hormones cause the liver to release more glucose (going back to ancient times, when we would need a boost of energy for 'fight or flight').

I've had root canal work on two teeth. Basically, what has happened is that the nerve tissue in the tooth has become infected and probably died. This tissue needs removing completely and the cavity filled. Effectively, this makes the tooth dead and you'll get no further pain from it, although it can also make the tooth more brittle so be careful when eating crunchy things afterwards! One of the teeth I had done eventually satrted cracking with bits coming off (only after several years though).

Interestingly, the year before I was diagnosed I developed an abcess on the gum by the tooth and my dentist discovered that there was some remaining nerve tissue that had become infected again. He had no real choice but to remove the tooth - the first (and only!) adult tooth I have lost! Basically, it had had so many repairs that it was likely to just shatter if he tried to remove the fillings. Inretrospect, it would appear that I was already losing pancreatic function at that time and my higher (but unknown) blood sugar levels had encouraged the infection in a tooth that had lain dormant for over ten years. It's quite possible that this is at the root (!) of your current problems!

Hope it all goes smoothly! 🙂

Since coming back from the dentist my levels have dropped to 5.1 (the lowest so far)! What I'm finding, is I'm not feeling at all hungry and have to remind myself to eat! I did have a little rye bread this morning and it did give me a spike, it's not that nice anyway!

Feeling dizzy and disorientated today so I'm taking things easy.

Donna 😱
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