Dentist worries

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Im going to the dentist some time next week and im pretty sure im either gonna have a filling or an extraction, or possibly both! Im a little worried that i may have a hypo or something whilst im in the chair, and wont be able to take in any glucose as my mouth will be clamped open or something!!

What are peoples experiences with the dentist??

I've always reminded them that I'm type 1 diabetic as I sit in the chair and they made a note on the cardboard envelope.

It's important that they know in case you do pass out or anything. Although nothing bad has ever happened to me while there.

If you test your BG while you're waiting, they can always delay your appt while you wait for your bloods to come up a bit. I had to do that a few weeks ago at the eye clinic.

Hi DG if this is your first appt they are unlikely to do any treatment but book you in at a later date. Ask the receptionist for a time best for you, say early morning so that you are unlikely to go hypo. Also you could arrange a signal of some kind, say putting your hand up if you need the dentist to stop. The dental assistant could watch out for it.
I've got a pair of pliers and will happily do the job for free... No, I jest. Just check the bloods before you go in and make sure they know you have diabetes.

I hate the dentist at the best of times and am a very nervous patient but i did have an extraction a little while ago and had a hypo just before, so whilst i was in the waiting room i was chomping on dextrose tablets dreading going in there, just make sure you test before you go in and don't let them numb both sides of your face, as my dentist wanted to do that and i said no way because if i had another hypo i wouldnt be able to drink or eat anything! x
If your taking metformin, you need to give them a bell as im sure you need to stop taking it for 48 hours beforehand.. something to do with blood clotting??
My dentist has a record of any medical conditions or allergies patients have as well as what medication they are on so that she is aware of any possible interaction with anesthetic or drugs she may need to administer.

When you join a dental surgery it is normal practice to fill out a form listing any past or present medical conditions and allergies plus any medication you are on.
I have a munch before I enter!

And test to make sure not too low.

enjoy if you can, focus on something on the ceiling and try and fall asleep, I nearly do sometimes.


I absolutely hate going to the dentist so my blood sugar nearly always goes through the roof! I usually take some liquid sugar such as the dreaded glucogel or a carton of sweetened drink just in case I do have a hypo, especially if I'm having treatment which involves freezing my mouth. make sure you talk to the dentist about your worries, even I have to admit that most dentists are relatively human these days! And good luck, let us know how it goes.
I hate the densists with a passion and have not been since i was 16, i battle through any pain i have in the mouth with painkillers and my oh is the same, he had a horror of a story after he last went so he has never returned.

Hope it all goes well and good luck x
i dont mind the dentist to be honest hun 🙂 i take my 19 month old baby to the dentist - he loves it lol he gets sticker at the end lmao

So if you have children people and they need a dentist trip ALWAYS bribe bribe bribe lmao
In reply to the post about stopping metformin before dental treatment. I don't believe that is correct. My dentist knows I take metformin and has never advised me to stop taking it before treatment. I've had all kinds of things including extractions and implants and no problems. I did have to stop it before a kidney scan when they injected dye into me. This was nothing to do with blood clotting but because the metformin and dye can cause kidney problems.
If your taking metformin, you need to give them a bell as I'm sure you need to stop taking it for 48 hours beforehand.. something to do with blood clotting??

I'm sure this not correct as the dentist I go to has never said about that.I have had to fill in a few forms there every now again listing all medicines I'm on and are aware.
Hope your trip to the Dentists goes ok hunny. I am another one who doesn't mind going to the dentist has the bluest of eyes so i just gaze......

I check my blood before going in but bear in mind that if you are anxious this could raise them in anycase.

As others have said...just let them know you are diabetic and perhaps make sure your levels are slightly raised so your not running too low.

There's nothing worse that fillings or extractions though....have a brandy like the old days!!! If not take some pain relief before you go in and lie back and think of England.

Hope alls goes well in all seriousness...

Bernie xx
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