Dental Charges - anyone know anything about it?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Basically I need some treatment which was intended to be done under GA at the hospital. Then follow up treatment back at the dentist.

Covid hit and my health went downhill and this delayed things for a few years.

Had pre-op yesterday, booked in for op on Thursday.

Nothing else crossed my mind but since it had been a while since I saw the dentist so needed to check they would still be doing the follow up care.

This is where I find out that because I was on means tested benefits everything so far was free. Now I’m working again, I’m told I will be charged band 3 NHS which is not far from £300.

The pickle I have is I haven’t got £300 just to pull out of the air, but I can’t allow the op to go ahead until I can allow the follow up to be done too.

They said I can pay 50% then the remainder but that’s still like £150 and I don’t really want to start discussing my finances but that would still be hard for me to do because the two follow up appointments would take place quite close together so it’s still £300 in the space of weeks.

Am I wrong in thinking that if the treatment plan isn’t yet complete and I was entitled to free NHS when it started I should still be entitled to free care?

Or are the dentist right in saying they can now charge me?

I have also applied for the low income scheme but they haven’t assessed me yet and when I rang they said their still processing the claims before mine was submitted. So no guarantee I’d even be entitled.

Now I don’t know what to do because if I delay it again I don’t know when I will be offered another op date.

Unfortunately, they can charge, I am being sent to a private dentist for an extraction which is a bit tricky, as I was referred by my own dentist under NHS treatment I will still have to pay £65 which is lower than private treatment, mine will be local anaesthetic not GA
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Another piece of info for you

Thanks everyone.

Unfortunately I don’t meet the criteria anymore in terms of claiming any of the entitled benefits.

The dentist seemed to imply though now I’m working I can just folk out the £300 without a thought which I simply can’t do.

Granted I earn more now that I work, but realistically that doesn’t make me better off, because I now have the full rent and council tax to pay, plus all other expenses and travel expenses, so working doesn’t necessary make you a whole lot better off which I’m sure people know that.

I have applied to see if I qualify under the low income scheme but there no where near processing this yet so won’t get a decision in time.

I may just have to call the hospital up and explain the development and delay again until I can afford it.
If you know that you could put X amount towards it a month, another option may be to look at whether you're likely to be eligible for a 0% balance transfer or 0% spending credit card to use to pay the £300, and make sure you don't use it for anything else and pay it off before the 0% period ends.

I think a big issue here is the length of the delay caused by covid. If you had started a job and the treatment had been completed within a month or so of starting, it's probable that it would have been classed as the same course of treatment already started under free dental care.
I think you’d need to look at whether you can get an interest free overdraft or credit card to enable the treatment to go ahead and repay monthly. Make sure you get a receipt and keep it in case you need this later.
Thanks again. Unfortunately they may not be viable options as my credit history was never the best growing up and only now am I making progress with it. I will explore options but I also have to speak to the hospital team quick as my op slot could go to someone else.
There's a link on to do a soft search and see if you might get one
Hope you can find a way through this maze @MarkGeordie :(

Such a shame that working and earning has caused you this grief - you’d think there would be more of a middle-ground :(
NHS dentist here. Unfortunately you will have to pay. The treatment may have been decided precovid but it is not the same course of treatment. My gathering from your information is that this is a new course of treatment under which you are not exempt as you now work and hence have to pay. If you can show that paying for treatment will affect you financially, your dentist will be able to signpost you towards the NHS Business Service Authority (the guys that work on giving diabetics medical exemption, they regulate NHS dental funding as well) they may consider your situation and find a way to help you.
Also, depending on your situation, it may be possible to delay the Band 3 - as if you're having an op I assume you're having a crown/bridge placed after it and it's worth asking your Dentist if it is something they think can be done.
Well after intense conversations they have cancelled and added me back to the waiting list, which they are not happy about, because of the 18 week thing.

However that was passed a long time ago, Im sorry but I couldn’t predict Covid and the consequences and I also can’t help that when I did attend for a pre-op last year that the team said they couldn’t go ahead as I was still under investigations for other stuff, which meant I had to then have an up to date community dental assessment and also wait again for another pre-op. Those things were out of my control.

I know people might say £300 is not much, but it is when your coming off benefits, only been in work 2 months. Haven’t had the opportunity to build up savings again and simply can’t folk out £300 from my Sept pay.

I’ve completed the application for the low income scheme but when I rang also afterwards they said they are still processing July applications, so can’t do anything in that respect until they have said yea or no to help.
Have you a credit union near to you @MarkGeordie? They may be able to help you with a short term loan and their rates are usually much better than high street banks and can be more sympathetic than them as well. If I remember correctly you set an account up with them that they can take an agreed payment from, might be worth looking into. Sorry I can't be more specific its a few years since I last worked in a community setting and things may well have changed.
Good Luck!!
Have you a credit union near to you @MarkGeordie? They may be able to help you with a short term loan and their rates are usually much better than high street banks and can be more sympathetic than them as well. If I remember correctly you set an account up with them that they can take an agreed payment from, might be worth looking into. Sorry I can't be more specific its a few years since I last worked in a community setting and things may well have changed.
Good Luck!!
Thanks for that it’s much appreciated.
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