Dementia risks

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

New report lists 11 factors that increase risk of dementia including diabetes and high cholesterol.

The Oxford study is based on 220,000 people average age 60. Guardian article (24/8) says ....'The 11 factors are age, education, a history of diabetes, a history of depression, a history of stroke, parental history of dementia, levels of deprivation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, living alone and being male.'
Can't do anything whatever about most of those things as they're things in the past, some of which you had no input into and which you can't change now anyway as we can't turn back time.

So - let's concentrate on things we can change, like gaining good control of BG, blood pressure and serum cholesterol, eating a balanced diet, taking enough exercise for better everything - and where possible, avoiding stress and also having enough doing things you enjoy, to attempt to avoid any more depression.

I honestly doubt very much whether well controlled changeable things like those mentioned, caused Alzheimers or anything else, I truly think the greatest risk of anything to us all, is that very first thing - AGE.
An old aunt used to say " Never shy away from trouble", What she really meant was to deal with what you get and prevent what you can.
I agree if you have Diabetes it can be unpreventable but as you say it is keeping it under control.
I think you hit the nail on the head wlth age,
although sadly it affects young people too.
I like my aunt think if your meant to get something you will get it.
i will also add the food industry i think have something to look into . Tis why make your own is best. They stopped a lot of additives like tartrizine when i was small there must be a lot of other things bad for us too. Sugar is one of them.
However that too comes in different forms in drinks as well as food.
Life is so hard to bear, depression tough but still the best is to enjoy and make most of what we can .
Grrrrrrrr. I haven't read this paper but it seems that when diabetes is listed as a risk for anything what they mean is prolonged high blood sugars. Having diabetes is rarely a risk (in my opinion) but having un-managed diabetes is
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