Delurking to say Thank you

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Today is the first anniversary of being diagnosed with T2 diabetes. I had an hba1c of 99 and a bmi of 35. I was diagnosed over the phone and told to visit Diabetes UK to get the best information and help there is.
Today my hba1c is 38, bmi 26 and healthier than I've been my entire adult life!
I've not chatted on the forums, I'm always a little uncomfortable with them but I wanted to say a massive THANK YOU to ALL of you who do, thanks to your advice, your comments, your pep talks and your experiences has helped me to get to this point. I hope you all realise how valuable it all is and how many lurkers like me you help.
Hello Donna and welcome to the forum.
A massive big well done on your fantastic achievement. What you have achieved is down to your hard work so a huge pat on the back is well deserved.
Congrats Donna, thats a massive achievement keep up the good work.
Many congratulations Donna on a remarkable achievement and in just a year!
The right information is so important with diabetes and it is not so much about specific instructions, but being pointed in the right general direction and then finding what works for you. I know people find it frustrating when first diagnosed and GPs give them very little guidance but diabetes is very individual and in many respects, sending you to the Diabetes UK website and this forum was far better than spending an hour or more reeling off a list of foods that you should perhaps avoid or cut down on.... which would probably also be incredibly depressing and off putting. It takes some time to understand and get to grips with managing diabetes at a personal level and unfortunately doctors and nurses just don't have that time for each individual and or don't understand all the ins and outs of it themselves... They are after all "General Practitioners" not specialists.

Thank you for posting this as your story will no doubt inspire other "lurkers".
Can I ask which route you took to your success? ie Did you go the Newcastle Very Low (800) Calorie route or Low Carb and did you purchase a BG meter and use testing as a means of guiding your dietary choices?.... Or a combination of both perhaps or some other option? It is just useful to get a general idea of what works for people.

Anyway, a huge WELL DONE from me too and the very best of luck to you with maintaining that impressive HbA1c and weight reduction.
Fabulous results Donna! 🙂 Well done, and thank you for letting us know how much the forum has helped you in getting there 🙂 I feel it really is one of the best resources there is to getting good reliable help and advice, and support from so many lovely people 🙂
Thanks rebrascora.
It has been a huge change and challenge and I haven't found it easy. I'm a vegetarian so that has made it hard to get enough protein and find a decent balance. When I first got diagnosed I went into complete gung ho mode. Donated most of my processed food to family and tried to go shopping having no clue as to what I could eat, I assumed it was just sugar I had to cut out on, like most people not in the club.
I was fortunate that my brother is also a type 2 and I bent his ear off, he talked about carbs and fibre and what is good and not. Sadly he takes no notice of all this himself but that's another story.
Anyway, I got a BG meter and started testing any time I ate, I did the two hours after but quite often checked at 30 mins and 1 hour so I could see what affected me. I went moderately low carb, less than 130g a day and low fat. I found out that I have quite a high tolerance for carbs but white bread products, potatoes, pasta and pastry will make me high and stay there for hours, so I stay away.
I also started walking, doing a minimum of two miles a day, every day which helped.
I'm still on a learning curve, I substituted everything I couldn't eat for peanuts and cheese and consequently my cholesterol has gone up but my Dr is happy with it.
Although i'm pleased and very proud of myself, I do wish I had done it more slowly. I did get eye problems for a few months, felt light headed and grumpy and lost some feeling in my foot. However all resolved now and I know it was my body rebelling against the lack of glucose. But overall i'm much happier.
Good job @Dwbooky well done!!

FYI - I was a lurker too 😉
I’d like to say thank you too.

Ive just had my first blood results from when I was diagnosed 3
months ago and am down from a HbA1c of 50 to 43

With hindsight I was far too zealous and cut all carbs in my initial panic - I have lost well over a stone very quickly and achieved what I wanted to, but realise now that I have been very lucky in not having any repercussions from such a drastic regime. You guys talked sense into me and I’m now eating much more healthily. I haven’t been able to get an appointment to see the diabetic nurse at the doctors so all the help and advice I’ve had has come from this site.

Thanks again
With hindsight I was far too zealous and cut all carbs in my initial panic - I have lost well over a stone very quickly and achieved what I wanted to, but realise now that I have been very lucky in not having any repercussions from such a drastic regime. You guys talked sense into me and I’m now eating much more healthily. I haven’t been able to get an appointment to see the diabetic nurse at the doctors so all the help and advice I’ve had has come from this site.
Its frustrating that this isnt the first bit of advice they give you, I know I went into full keto mode when I left the GP's when it would of been safer to reduce my carbs gradually.
Congratulations @Dwbooky for all your hard work - give yourself a huge pat on the back. :D:D:D
Such lovely posts to read @Dwbooky and @Mynxie

Thanks so much for sharing your experiences, accounts like yours will be such an encouragement to other newcomers and lurkers.

And huge congratulations for the amazing changes you have made.

Long may your health and numbers keep i proving and/or settle in a place you are happy with :
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