Delivery rate for Bolus

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
in trying to sort out the wobble in my levels last week, I checked in with Accu Chek and one thing that came up was the rate at which my insulin is pumped out. Mine is set on 0.5 units per burst and then any remaining part of a unit at the end.

I was told that it is possible to change this to delivering bursts of 0.1 units. Whilst this would take a little longer for each delivery, I am wondering whether this might be nicer to my cannula sites, and give me less skanky ones.

What rates do others use? Any views?
I have kept mine at the standard (really quite annoyingly slow at times) rate while using Medtronic pumps - not sure how it compares to the rates you are mentioning.

i fleetingly tried their faster rate offered on MM640g but found it uncomfortable and switched back after 2 doses.

so in that respect I would think, yes, it could well be more comfy if a slower rate is available.
Just looked up the delivery speeds on MM640G and it seems the faster option is 10x the speed if the regular option(!)

Bolus Speed sets the rate at which your pump delivers bolus insulin. You can set a Standard rate (1.5 units per minute), or a Quick rate (15 units per minute).
I have been trying to find a comparison table for the delivery rates of different pumps.
I hit in it a few days ago, but Google is not helping me at present.
I was aware that there were quite big differences between the pumps, and I am looking for ones that deliver more slowly in the hopes that my cannula sites will behave better.

Can anyone direct me to this info?
Thanks @Flower

I think it shows that increments in which I can set up a Bolus, and the frequency of deliveries for basal insulin delivery, but I can’t find how much is chucked in each time. I may have missed it.

I am keen to be nicer to my cannula sites which are getting irritated.
I was told to use a slower rate on the pump due to blockages and stuff.
As far as I can see there is only one rate on my Combo of 12u/min (Thanks @Flower) and other pumps are as slow as 1.5u/min. I suspect I shall be changing pumps as that could explain why it gets bumpy. It may take longer to deliver the Bolus but worth waiting, and I am not usually in a rush but ....

... I have been known to set a prebolus for breakfast, then go straight for a shower, and wonder why my insulin (which is now in the pocket of my dressing gown) has not worked!!!
... I have been known to set a prebolus for breakfast, then go straight for a shower, and wonder why my insulin (which is now in the pocket of my dressing gown) has not worked!!![/QUOTE]

I've done this too 🙄
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