Deep breath...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Sorry about this but it really irratates me so I thought I would share. Hba1c. My surgery doesn't take bloods so when invited for a blood test I would go to the surgery pick up the sticky label thing with my details and make an appointment,at the hospital. No problem.

Today received text re blood test needed, phoned up to confirm picking up sticky label thing.The receptionist said oh you can have it done here, great I thought .I asked her if the system had changed? Oh no we always do it here .

But for the last few years I have been told to make an appointment at hospital and take the sticky label thing. 'Really?' was the reply...

Part two of the conversation. I was then told I needed a foot check which is fine. Can I have it at the same appointment with the blood test? Oh ,no you will have to come back for another appointment, although I can give you a time later the same day... I decided on balance I don't have that much free time so I dcided to book foot test another time although am secretly hoping when the nurse has done the blood test she will do the foot thing as well.

The urine sample was another exciting chat I asked if (as I have done before) have that stupid little pot and do the peeing and bring it in as I have done previously. Oh no, came the reply you have to do it the same day as blood test Oh, has the sysytem changed I naively asked? Came the response, no, it has always been this way...

Ok, so for the last few years I clearly imagined having the blood test at hospital and taking in the urine sample to surgery at a more convenient time.

All the above takes place (,or not) in October.

No wonder I don't have my bp taken at the surgery. The machine would explode...
either that or my head .

Deep breathe...
Sorry about this but it really irratates me so I thought I would share. Hba1c. My surgery doesn't take bloods so when invited for a blood test I would go to the surgery pick up the sticky label thing with my details and make an appointment,at the hospital. No problem.

Today received text re blood test needed, phoned up to confirm picking up sticky label thing.The receptionist said oh you can have it done here, great I thought .I asked her if the system had changed? Oh no we always do it here .

But for the last few years I have been told to make an appointment at hospital and take the sticky label thing. 'Really?' was the reply...

Part two of the conversation. I was then told I needed a foot check which is fine. Can I have it at the same appointment with the blood test? Oh ,no you will have to come back for another appointment, although I can give you a time later the same day... I decided on balance I don't have that much free time so I dcided to book foot test another time although am secretly hoping when the nurse has done the blood test she will do the foot thing as well.

The urine sample was another exciting chat I asked if (as I have done before) have that stupid little pot and do the peeing and bring it in as I have done previously. Oh no, came the reply you have to do it the same day as blood test Oh, has the sysytem changed I naively asked? Came the response, no, it has always been this way...

Ok, so for the last few years I clearly imagined having the blood test at hospital and taking in the urine sample to surgery at a more convenient time.

All the above takes place (,or not) in October.

No wonder I don't have my bp taken at the surgery. The machine would explode...
either that or my head .

Deep breathe...
If it is a nurse that takes your bloods rather than a phlebotomist then she will likely do your foot check at same time as happened to myself.
It is frustrating to have to keep on going back for different appointments and tests and must admit I hardly ever went to the doctors but the last year I may as well have a season ticke Lol
I will simply turn up at appointed date and time and see what happens . An adventure.
I had an equally frustrating conversation with the GP based phlebotomist yesterday.
She told me that if I had an appointment at the hospital (diabetes clinic) my bloods must be taken at the hospital. After pointing out i have had bloods taken at GP surgery for hospital clinic for 20 years, she begrudgingly relented but refused to take bloods at the same time for another reason. Her justification? I need to take meds for 3 months to take effect. But the meds themselves say they work within 4 weeks.
I was trying to use our time (hers and mine) efficiently but she was having none of it.

And all of this was after she changed the time of the appointment… whilst I was waiting and after the confirmed time of the initial appointment.
I had an equally frustrating conversation with the GP based phlebotomist yesterday.
She told me that if I had an appointment at the hospital (diabetes clinic) my bloods must be taken at the hospital. After pointing out i have had bloods taken at GP surgery for hospital clinic for 20 years, she begrudgingly relented but refused to take bloods at the same time for another reason. Her justification? I need to take meds for 3 months to take effect. But the meds themselves say they work within 4 weeks.
I was trying to use our time (hers and mine) efficiently but she was having none of it.

And all of this was after she changed the time of the appointment… whilst I was waiting and after the confirmed time of the initial appointment.
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