I was obliged to change my cannula last night owing to increasingly high BG's, even with corrections thrown in. I set my alarm for two hours after the change to allow me to test to see if it was working. I got a 9.2. I also set the alarm for a three in the morning test aswell. I got a 9.5 which I then corrected with one and a half units which should have taken me down to about 6.5. I woke up at half six, tested my blood and got 20.3 which was one hell of a shock. I know I've made changes but those would have to have been catastrophic changes for my basal to let me get to 20.3. I was left with the conclusion that it must be the cannula so I took it out and I bled a little which is usually the sign of it having gotten caught up in a blood vessel which I've had happen before and cause the same thing. It was also half filled with air bubbles. I took out my reservoir and that looked like it contained fresh Dom Perignon as opposed to insulin there were that many bubbles in it.
Just needed a rant.
Just needed a rant.