Decidedly unamused this morning.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was obliged to change my cannula last night owing to increasingly high BG's, even with corrections thrown in. I set my alarm for two hours after the change to allow me to test to see if it was working. I got a 9.2. I also set the alarm for a three in the morning test aswell. I got a 9.5 which I then corrected with one and a half units which should have taken me down to about 6.5. I woke up at half six, tested my blood and got 20.3 which was one hell of a shock. I know I've made changes but those would have to have been catastrophic changes for my basal to let me get to 20.3. I was left with the conclusion that it must be the cannula so I took it out and I bled a little which is usually the sign of it having gotten caught up in a blood vessel which I've had happen before and cause the same thing. It was also half filled with air bubbles. I took out my reservoir and that looked like it contained fresh Dom Perignon as opposed to insulin there were that many bubbles in it.

Just needed a rant.
aww thats ashame :( good to let it all out 🙂

see thats what im nervous about happening... but hey i suppose were all going to get times like this...

hope uve got it sorted x
Tom, dont forget you might be more resistant early morning and this could have added to the later rise. It does sound like a canula problem - but because you have made changes it will be hard to know until you have a few nights with the new basals.🙂Bev
Know how you feel Tom, have had a dreadful night myself :(

but dont want to hijack your thread, hope its all sorted now
Just when you were on a mission with your basal testing something has to mess it up. As if we don't have enough to cope with. Hope you're finding the balance again now.
Got back to usual now. Sort of. Had a 12.5 before I ate this evening so I put in the bolus a little before I ate so the insulin had a little of a head start. I'm doing a 3am to midday test tomorrow or if I can manage it, a whole day one until about six or seven in the evening. Then I'd be able to gorge myself haha!

It was also half filled with air bubbles. I took out my reservoir and that looked like it contained fresh Dom Perignon as opposed to insulin there were that many bubbles in it.
Just needed a rant.

Rant away Tom , those bubbles drive me mad , and have caused many rants in my house believe me 😱
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