Death warmed over

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I feel dreadful. I'm coughing fit to bust and really thirsty. I ache all over and my eyes are full of sand, though only a slight temp and BGL of 10.2. I think I've got a stinking cold, so I'm off to bed with a flask of tea and my four legged foot warmer who hasn't let me out of her sight all day.

Night everyone.
Aww sorry to hear about that Ali aint very nice eh , hope you get to sleep ok hun and i hope 2morrow you are better , altho if you think its a cold i guess it wont go overnight , nevertheless get yourself to bed wrap up warm and try and have a good nights sleep , your like me at the minute up and down change of meds , it all takes it toll

take care ((hugs))

Sorry to hear you've been feeling rough today Alison. Hope you're feeling much better tomorrow.

Get well soon xx
I hope you feel better soon. Have you got anything for the cough? Plenty of warm sugar free drinks will help and soup is wonderful if you don't feel like eating much.
aww hope u feel better soon{hugs}
Get better soon Alison. Have a hug from me...
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Sorry to hear you're feeling rubbish. Hope you feel a bit better this morning.

Hope you feel better soon 🙂
Hi Ally, hope today is a better day for you. I know the feeling of that constant struggle to just feel well - I was like that for months after my diagnosis and it can really wear you down.
Hi allison,

I hope your feeling a bit better today and that your bs levels aren't being affected too much x
Hi all, thanks for the kind thoughts.

I'm still feeling terrible, nose all stuffed up aching all over and BGL ranging from 9 to 13. Head is pounding, every time I cough I feel like the top of my head is going to blow off. It's just a cold so I don't know if I should bother the doctor or not, I reckon I will if I go really high though.
keep eye on your levels drink loads...yes i know same advice every time but mainly ally take care xxxx call doc even if just for advice xx and watch out for the green pleym
Hi Alison,
Sorry to be a party pooper but have you considered whether you might have the early stages of swine flu...? I had it last week and that's how it started for me... Might be worth getting yourself checked out by your GP.
Get well soon.
Hi Allison,

Was just wondering if you feel any better today? have your bs levels come down a bit yet?

Emma xx
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