Day 1 of giving a damn!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
ok, yesterday i tested all day, here are the results!

Fasting: 7.0
breakfast: 2 x egg fried in frylite olive spray on Burgen toast with olive spread
BG+ 2hrs 7.1
Lunch, Salad with a bit of potato and pasta salad with a white bread roll
BG+ 2hrs 7.7
walked puppy for 2 miles
BG before dinner: 5.2
Dinner, beef stew with very small baguette
BG + 2hrs 9.4

i thought i did quite well but is the jump from 5.2 to 9.4 too much? I know 9.4 is ok but would have prefered it stay in the 7's! lol

Julie x
Given the carb content of pasta and potatoes I'd say no, but I'm not an expert. Sounds like you did pretty well all round. Keep us posted
Hey well done !! those are good levels considering you eat carbs , keep up the good work , one day at a time !! 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Well done, most of the day went well🙂
The rise after dinner may well have been the baguette, its very,very high gi. (especially if it comes from what the French call an 'industrial' source, in otherwords a supermarket type).
well done those look good to me , keep it going x
Hi Julie...

Those levels are brill.....:D..Keep up the good work..

ok, yesterday i tested all day, here are the results!

Fasting: 7.0
breakfast: 2 x egg fried in frylite olive spray on Burgen toast with olive spread
BG+ 2hrs 7.1
Lunch, Salad with a bit of potato and pasta salad with a white bread roll
BG+ 2hrs 7.7
walked puppy for 2 miles
BG before dinner: 5.2
Dinner, beef stew with very small baguette
BG + 2hrs 9.4

i thought i did quite well but is the jump from 5.2 to 9.4 too much? I know 9.4 is ok but would have prefered it stay in the 7's! lol

Julie x


They are fantastic levels. I would imagine the post lunch bg of 7.7 and the pre dinner 5.2 are due to the walk. The white bread roll acts more like sugar so would have spiked quite quickly and down again and the pasta would have I imagine been a small amount so you would not have had the pasta spike.

The 9.4 post dinner is not bad, there is fat in beef so that would have prolonged the carbs working.

There is nothing wrong with a 5.2 becoming 9.4 but if you are worried then wait a couple of days and see what happens and adjust your teatime ratio a tiny bit perhaps (have to put in here that I am not a professional blah blah blah but that is what I would do).

Brilliant results, wish my daughters were like this.

........those are good levels considering you eat carbs........

Hi please don't all shout at once and I know everyone means well and I know everyone has different ideas and ways to do things and what works for some people may not work for others but I will be totally honest here and say that when I read a sentence like the above I get a tiny bit worried that the youngsters or newly diagnosed will think that eating carbs is bad. It isn't bad and low carbs diets are only one way to go and work for some. Children and teens however need carbs in their diets as do some other people and I would hate for them to think otherwise.

The recommended diet for someone with diabetes is a healthy balanced diet that everyone in the whole world should be eating including non diabetics (which we probably do not eek). If you then choose to have lo carbs or even no carbs or on the flip side high carbs then that is a choice and not necessarily the healthier option for all people. Results of course can be shared with all and others may choose to give it a try or stick with what they know.

Sorry sorry sorry, I have no problem with low carbing at all and if that is what works great, I just think the 'considering' bit was not right for youngsters reading this. Sorry insulin addict, definitely NOT a personal dig at you or the low carbers on here.😱
Thats ok no offence taken , I will think before I type in future . I understand where you are coming from totally . :D🙂
Thats ok no offence taken , I will think before I type in future . I understand where you are coming from totally . :D🙂

Oh thank goodness for that, I was worried. Thanks. x
Oh thank goodness for that, I was worried. Thanks. x

Hahaha its ok I was slightly tactless in my post and you were right to point it out to me , thanks 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Day 2 went very well, max bg was 8.8. I think it could be all the walking i do with the puppy, yesterday i went a new route and got lost in fields for 2 hours! i took biscuits with me and i have a phone with maps on but didn't need wither, i recognised a field and headed for it! phew.. how can you recognise a blinking field? lol

LOL well glad it was ok , aww id be lost if i had no mobi with me i always take it if i think im going to get lost 🙂🙂
Your numbers are great, keep going and it goes to show how much exercise is needed. Great going.
Great keep up the good work. I think I'llhave to get a puppy to get me out walking a bit more.
Great keep up the good work. I think I'llhave to get a puppy to get me out walking a bit more.

You can borrow my crazy Yorkie if you want ,he'll happily walk for miles 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Hi Julie...

There great readings...keep up the excellent work...🙂..hehehe Puppies..Nathan wants me to get one...Although I dont think my geriatric cats would appreciate a puppy...🙂

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